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June 2012

Freetown, 08 June (SLENA): The Government of Sierra Leone has issued a press release through the Ministry of Information and Communications expressing grave concern over the spate of armed robbery in Freetown and its environs. In

The Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon. Raymond Kabia (in photo), last Saturday said that the incidents of increased armed robbery and the youths protest in Freetown were  instigated by certain politicians. Mr. Kabia was talking to Star

Cluff Gold Sierra Leone has officially handed over an ultra modern Police Station to the Government of Sierra Leone through the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) at Baomahun Village a bustling Gold Mining Community in the

African Minerals was part of this year’s World Environment Day, with a gleam of activities that culminated in the bringing together of school children to plant over 1,000 trees across its operations, north of the

In an effort to further complement President Koroma’s Agenda for Change, Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, Ambassador Jongopie Siaka Stevens has taken upon himself to encourage meaningful investors and high profile

Come what may on that bright November morning, the third Saturday of that historical month, Sierra Leoneans will be going to the polls to elect their President and parliamentarians. Not like 1967 when sporadic fighting

Alhaji Usman Boie Kamara informed a jam-packed crowd at his declaration ceremony on Saturday June 9 at the APC Marine House headquarters in Freetown that any body who wishes to be safe in his political

23 year old Idrissa Kargbo emerged winner of the first ever run full marathon race for men in Sierra Leone organized by a Non-Governmental Organization called Street Children of Sierra Leone (SCoSL) in collaboration with

Airtel, a leading cellular mobile phone company in Sierra Leone has launched its Airtel Rising Stars Football Fan Club for all loving football subscribers in the country. Chairman of the program Samuel Ansumana said the ARS

The story is not always great when it comes to the issue of violence and how our forces for good are handling such situations. This without ambiguities is a slap on the face of the

Christians from all denominations on Saturday June 9th celebrated 220 years of Christianity in Sierra Leone. Rev. Solomon W. Campbell said this day marks an historic event in the life of Christianity in this country, as

As Sierra Leoneans marched towards the November 2012 polls, the sun seemed to be shining brighter onto a perfect day for the ruling All People Congress Political Party (APC). Many are matching the rate of political

Following the 50 years jail sentence slammed by the International Criminal Court of Justice on May 30th over the issue related to the decade long civil war in Sierra Leone, war victims have asked the

Residents of Kamukeh Chiefdom and Madina Bonkoboh predominantly Mandingoes in Kasonkoh, Koinadugu District north of Sierra Leone endorsed the Bafodia born Akmed Femi Mansaray for Constituency 47 The much sought after 2012 elections slated for November

Saturday 9th June, 2012, left the Freetown municipality and its surroundings in a surprising satisfaction, following the declaration of support of one of the country’s biggest political gurus, former flag-bearer aspirant of the Sierra Leone