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The November 17, 2012 elections will be peaceful in Sierra Leone

The November 17, 2012 elections will be peaceful in Sierra Leone

Come what may on that bright November morning, the third Saturday of that historical month, Sierra Leoneans will be going to the polls to elect their President and parliamentarians. Not like 1967 when sporadic fighting and instability took over the streets, during that election period. With 44. 25% or (286,585) of the votes, Siaka Steven won, but was abruptly denied the Presidency by Brigadier David Lansana, only to be reinstated in 1968 by Brigadier John Amadu Bangura after the so-called “sargents coup.”  (Photo: M C Bah, author)

While in May 15, 1973 on the house of representative election, peace and tranquility prevailed because only the APC contested- the sole legal political party at the time. There were no registered voters, but the APC maintained 84 seats in parliament with one independent. Then came May 6, 1977, with the legacy of the one party dynasty, there was no official registered voters but according to election records, total valid votes on that house of representative elections were 686,810.Elections were postponed in Bo due to violence, but the Siaka Steven’s undemocratic era saw the increasing returns of eight members of the APC which added the party’s share of seats to 70.

Furthermore, the June 5-12, 1978 constitutional referendum was the official coronation of a one party status quo which began the registration of voters. The “YES’ votes were 2,152,460 or 97.15% and the “NO” votes 63, 186 or 2.85% with a total registered voters of 2,235,400.The only good news with that milestone event was the prevalence of peace and stability. Did the one party system create the avoidance of violence and instability? Was that a legitimate referendum or the manifestation of the nature of the political reality at the time? Certainly so.

Indeed, the 1978 referendum gave birth to a single- party election in May 1, 1982 with the APC as the sole legal party at the ballot box. Democracy was trampled upon, mercilessly delayed and the people of Sierra Leone’s constitutional rights to elect their leaders were disparaging ignored and abused. The 1978 referendum signaled the beginning of validating the people’s voice despite Siaka Steven’s ill-intentioned at the onset.

While the October 1, 1985 Presidential election saw the ascendancy of Joseph Saidu Momoh in a referendum style election with no registered voters, but again the “YES” votes were 2, 780,495 (99.85%) and the “NO” votes 4,096 (0.15%) with total valid votes of 2,784, 591; his tenure subsequently brought a pluralistic democracy and a long civil conflict in Sierra Leone.

The ominous act of the 1978 referendum evidently became a blessing of the 1991 constitutional referendum on the multi-party system. What was a strategy of engagement in the past became a weapon of defeat for the Joseph Siadu Momoh’s government in the early 1991.

The August 23-30, 1991 referendum was a watershed moment in Sierra Leone’s political history. With 2,500,000 registered voters, 1, 500, 000 votes “YES” and 375, 000 votes “NO.” Again, the total valid votes were 1, 875, 000 which was the biggest victory democracy had ever seen in the continent of Africa and Sierra Leone.

However, these referendum style elections laid the ground work for subsequent credible elections like the 1996 Presidential and Parliamentary elections. Not only where they peaceful and calm in nature, but more than 1,600, 000 (one million, six hundred thousands) of Sierra Leoneans participated and voted for their candidates of choice.

While the voter turnout were low on the first 1996 round- 745, 511 with Alhaji Amhed Tejan Kabba (SLPP) gaining 35.80%, John Karefa-Smart (UNPP) winning 22.62%, Thaimu Bangura (PDP) scoring 16.07% – total valid votes on the second round  strikingly increased to 1,022.754.And President Kabba commanded victory on the runners up with 59.49% of the vote. Relatively, no violence was documented and the people of Sierra Leone enjoyed their democratic rights to vote.

And the May 14, 2002 Presidential election saw the biggest margin of victory by a Presidential incumbent-President Kabba (SLPP) who won 70.06% of the vote (1,336,423) seconded by Ernest Bai Koroma (APC) with 426, 405 or 22.35%. There were 2,342,547 registered voters and the SLPP gained 83 seats, APC with 27 seats and Peace and Liberation Party (PLP) with 2 seats. Again, the outcome of the 2002 elections was peaceful, democratic and broadly participatory. Voter registration seems to gain an increasing trend with an electoral structure capable of conducting transparent and credible elections.

The August/September 2007 was the most peaceful and democratic elections particularly in Sierra Leone and general in Africa. Sierra Leone became a poster child of an opposition party winning the Presidency and parliamentary seats. With 2,619,000 registered voters, on the first round, Ernest Bay Korma won 44.34% of the votes (815,523) and Vice President, Solomon Berewa won 38.28% of the votes (704,012).The  valid votes were 1, 839,208 with 144, 898 invalid votes.

Accordingly, the registered voters on the second round- September 8, 2007- were 2, 619,000.President Ernest Bai Koroma won 54.62% or (950, 407) and Solomon Berewa gained 45.38% or (789,651) of the votes. And valid votes on the second rounds were 1,740,058 with 43,793 invalid or blank votes. Also, the parliamentary seats saw the August 11, 2007 house of representative election with 59 seats by the APC, 43 seats by SLPP and 10 seats by PMDC.

And the National Electoral commission (NEC) had released the number of voters on the Biometric voter registration which is 2,701,299 a little behind its 3,000.000 target for the November 17, 2012 elections. Historically by far, this is the largest voter registration exercise in the history of Sierra Leone. The level of sophistication, transparency and competency of the NEC Staff and administration are particularly commendable. The voter registration process was very peaceful, well organized and impressive.

According to the time line for exhibition, distribution and inquiry schedule of NEC, from June 1, 2012 to August 13, 2012, the training of exhibition staff, distribution of PVR and voter ID cards to district and ward level would be taking place. The objection to Provisional Voters Register (PVR) would commence and publications of statements of claims will be available.

Also, the process of conducting inquiry in each of the 394 wards, the retrieval of exhibition inquiry, matching inclusion data and printing of inclusion voter ID cards, the printing and gazette of final voter register (FVR) will be done by August 13, 2012 ahead of the November 17, 2012 elections.

Indeed, what a remarkable and transparent system set up by NEC which is a test to our new democratic capabilities. It is a new day in Sierra Leone when we look back to how far we have come in terms of elections and violence. Gone are the days of the one party elections, the fear to get-out- and-vote and the political brutality of innocent law abiding citizens.

To those who see a violent election, history does not support that view and expectation today. The people of Sierra Leone seek a future that is free from violence and wants advancement in the areas of the economy, education, Agriculture, medicine and technology. Thus, this election is not about the South versus the North or an incumbent versus a renegade military Junta, it is about the survival of our hard-earned peace- that must be consolidated, secured and maintained. It is about the center of gravity where our shared interest and commonality are connected and grounded- that which holds us together as Sierra Leoneans regardless of our party loyalty and ethnic make-ups. The November 17, 2012 election will be peaceful because, the people of Sierra Leone rejects conflict and embrace peace in the name of love.

No Sierra Leonean should pack up to live or be afraid to come home and vote, this election will be the most peaceful one in our nation history because we understand the tears and blood of a senseless conflict; because we know what are at stakes when we set fire to our neighbors house or shoot innocent citizens; because we refuse to hold back our children’s future and we are tired of seeing our youths walking around with no limbs and hands; because we can no longer afford to have politicians and their families  live securely in  gated mansions, while the dying youths suffer in the bloody streets with no medical care and no future; and because the international criminal court is watching for heartless politicians who may be over ambitious and overzealous to commit crimes of inhumanity.

We are after all, the people hailed from the “Lions Mountain” – a settlement for the Nova Scotians slaves who were searching for freedom and dignity, a home where the Bullom and Sherbros lived for many years in peace without fear. That is why: the November 17, 2012 will be another golden opportunity to tell the world that we can live in peace and harmony without war. May our nation continue to be the realm of the free.

Source: African Election Database: election in Sierra Leone.

By NDA Presidential aspirant M C Bah

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  • The November 17, 2012 elections will be peaceful in Sierra Leone …: By: SEM Contributor on June 12, 2012. Come… http://t.co/Jx2eK1V6

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  • The November 17, 2012 elections will be peaceful in Sierra Leone: (Photo: MC Bah, author) While in May 15, 1973 … http://t.co/gWCCqodb

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