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Fourah Bay College Gets New Bus Stop

Fourah Bay College Gets New Bus Stop

Hon. Sidie Tunis Boosts Fourah Bay College with Major Donation for New Bus Stop

In a generous move that underscores his unwavering commitment to education and community development, former Speaker of the Ecowas Parliament and current Member of Parliament for Pujehun District, Hon. Sidie Tunis, has donated 120,000 Leone to the SLPP student chapter at Fourah Bay College (FBC). The funds will be used to build a state-of-the-art bus stop for the benefit of the college student body.
This significant contribution aligns with the ongoing efforts of His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio to enhance human capital development, particularly in the education sector. The new bus stop is expected to provide students with a safer and more comfortable waiting area, thereby contributing to a more conducive learning environment.
Hon. Tunis’s support for the SLPP chapter at Fourah Bay College is not unprecedented. He has previously aided the chapter in various initiatives, including National Student Voter Registration campaigns and providing free transportation for students. His ongoing involvement demonstrates a deep-seated dedication to student welfare and educational progress.
This latest act of generosity is part of a broader pattern of philanthropy by Hon. Tunis. Just last week, he extended his support to the Bo Rangers football club and, in another notable gesture, donated 30,000 dollars to the Pujehun executive for the construction of the Pujehun SLPP Party Office. His consistent efforts reflect a commitment to supporting various causes, irrespective of political or tribal affiliations, showcasing his leadership and dedication to community service.


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