Showcasing Jay’s Anthology – Friends, Who Are…?
Jusu Jaka Yawmah (in photo), a Sierra Leonean living in Ghana, and one of the country’s most young talented poets has illuminated his brilliance once more by sharing another of his insightful and soul searching poems, “Friends, Who Are…?” This is Jay’s fifth poem he has shared with us from his inspirational and uplifting invaluable compendium, “Jay’s Anthology,” … a must read for all ages!
Friends, Who Are …?
There is a friend who sticks by me, from dawn till nightfall
He sees all with me, he is all to me, and I am his loved of all
He is with me, with me he stumbles, with me he takes the fall
He is always there, running swiftly to my beckoning call
I know him so well, his affection makes me stand so tall
Always giving a helping hand, especially when I face a stall
Also giving me hope and confidence, even when I feel appall.
He is my buddy and completion, called my casual friend.
He is very loyal, I take him high, he treats me with significance
I run to him, to my utmost needs he runs to with due endurance
I feel his misdeeds, to my excesses, he fills love in abundance
He keeps a secret, he guards them with a serious cognizance
I am so dear to him, surely he forms a part of my remembrance
Always joyful, he approaches life with a very stable countenance
A quality that comes handy but hardly with a very lucky chance.
He is my common acquaintance, called my mutual friend.
I am the inseparable piece, the person you got with so high
So high without wings, when we soared the colorful blue sky
When you gracefully taught me how to dive, even how to fly
The one with whom you did those things that make you feel so shy
When you bitterly regretted, bitterly asking yourself, “Oh God, Why?”
With our eyes shedding tears that flow like a river whenever we cry
Binding us both to a moment that stays till we grow old, grey and die!
He is the one guy, who was there, called my circumstantial friend.
He was even there, from the very beginning to the very end
During those times when my life on a loop of hope subtend
He wakes up with me, with words that were a perfect blend
And stayed there, even at those boring times when I pretend
To be unaware that he cares for me as he always ever intend.
I tease him often, but his response to me is not that of a fiend.
There are only four types of friends; Casual and Mutual friends
Circumstantial and the very rare, called the friends of friends.
Friends, who, amongst a million are always distinctively so rare
Friends, who go through with you, showing how much they care
Friends, who stick close with you, always there, staying so near
Friends, whose show of love is genuine, plain and simply so dear
Friends, who honestly express their depths, very loud and clear
Friends, who help you walk a path without tremble, without fear
Friends, who are fountains, always ready to take and give a share.
Friends, let us honestly ask ourselves, “Friends, who really are…?”
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