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Mister Idiot: This global face of Mr. President Part (II)

Mister Idiot: This global face of Mr. President Part (II)

Mister Idiot: “Making himself globally known with his doublespeak on assuming office on September 17, 2007, he took these words with him to the media: “Fellow citizens, my stance on corruption will be zero tolerance. In this sense, I would not spare anybody (not including my mother, brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews and nieces… and my boys and girls) the wrath of my sledgehammer if they fall foul of my uncompromising stance against corruption. So my brothers and sisters, be warned!”

“That sounds very nice, but just look around now.  He also said he was going to run the country like a business. True enough he fiddles with no riddles and doubts not his profit margins. Oh me…”

I-Man: “What are you actually reeling on, Mr. Idiot? Because if I overstand you well, you are only talking in riddles and innuendos.”

Mister Idiot: “Of course not because as far as the idiots are concerned things are all right but I have a problem with that because we have to hold our leaders accountable over the way they run the affairs of the state. Now you would realize that in spite of all the praises that have been showered on him as being the Liberator, he is still keeping the imbalance of state governance. All he has succeeded in doing is to make the center not to hold any longer.

I-Man: “So are you trying to say that the liberator has a motive to have his name recorded in our history books as a hero? What a thought man!”

Mister Idiot: “Ah ha…are you now insinuating that Mr. President is as popular as the Zanu-PF’s Robert Mugabe, or the Ugandan’s walk to work’s Yoweri Moseveni, even though he is not as stubborn as the ousted presidential renegade, Laurent Gbagbo of the Ivory Coast?”

I-Man: “Now sir, you have got me more perplexed as two of those mortals you are mentioning have not had reprisals except poor Laurent Gbagbo. But in truth man, I know as you do that we are progressing and paying the price.”

Mister Idiot: “In truth I-Man, I now see that you are really a very confused meditator. Now answer these questions. How would you expect a President to run a country properly without having priorities? What has he done in the issues of men like Edmund Koroma of the NASSIT ferries saga? What has he done with Benjamin Davies who is slowly killing the Sierra Leone Ports Authority? Now you talk to me…”

I-Man: “I can tell you that the liberator succeeded in exposing in-house corruption.  Sometime ago he accused his team of being corrupt and he is now busy compiling evidence against them.”

Mister Idiot: “Now I know that you are really meditating very very high. Right now you must be on cloud zero. I will let Dr. Nahim take a look at your mental cavity. By that I mean your brain. Now get out of my sight before I empty my stress on you, you poor starving fool.”

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