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HomeCommentaryThe Army Rice… Shut Up, Bad Contractors!

The Army Rice… Shut Up, Bad Contractors!

The Army Rice… Shut Up, Bad Contractors!

The front pages of newspapers have been congested with woes of very big lies; saying that the award of the Army rice contract was influenced and badly done by the Defence Minister, Alfred Palo Conteh.

Yes, when contracts are awarded wrongly, it is the true responsibility of the press to question such.

In the case of the Army rice contract, contractors that felt marginalized because they did not meet the criteria called for, patrol press offices paying money to cause them to reduce the name and personality of the Defence Minister in their paper’s front pages.

Of course, and without any hesitation, the attention of Sierra Express Media has been drawn to one of the Pa’s bro, who desperately wants the Defence Minister torn apart because he was not allowed to win the bid for the supply of rice to the Army.

While some say the Defence Minister and Vice President Sam Sumana played ‘yuki yuki’ in awarding African Sunshine the Army rice contract, others say, ‘Defence Minister is an underperformer and should be made to quit office.’

Rogues, we mean those roaming the streets of Freetown using the Pa’s name must stop or will be made to face his wrath anytime from now; we know you and we will name and shame you.

Authoritatively, the Defence Minister, unlike other Ministers, has a clean score sheet and can better boast of achievements so far.

Was Wilberforce Barracks not referred to as the dirtiest?  Were creative thinkers not aware of the construction of a monument for our fallen heroes but never did one; were soldiers not capable of going on peace mission but never did?

Thank God, questions as asked above have all been answered by the present Defence Minister, Palo Conteh, in his three years of office.

Your time, we mean ‘your’ is coming near and will soon reach. Whether a tycoon, mogul, toughest or the influential, the fact that you go around paying money to press men so as to make them insult officials of government, is a signal that you personally don’t have any credibility and should not be given any government contract.

While we insist on the dismissal of bad, rotten and mean contractors immoral dealings, we also call on government to remove from their blood favouritism and ‘fambul’ business.

The Defence Minister of today and of the APC has it all to say. Allow him do his work.

Warning: don’t use the Pa’s name to intimidate good Ministers! Lonta!

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