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March 2019

UKaid has provided emergency relief to people who lost their homes in the major fire incident of the morning of 4 March, in the Kroo Bay area of Freetown.  (Photo: Landlords and labourers taking the bush

The Law Department at Fourah Bay College University of Sierra Leone intends to add a new module to its LLB degree by teaching DIPLOMATIC and CONSULAR LAW in its Law Department commencing soon. The pioneers behind

Having been accused of manipulating the Sierra Leone Judiciary in its desperation to get the speakership of the Sierra Leone House of Parliament by fictitiously slamming some foolish court injunctions on sixteen (16) opposition Members

In tears, Stakeholders/landowners at Hill Top Community, Hill Station in Freetown had told the sorrowful story to Sierra Express Media of how alleged hired thugs under the full supervision of the Minister of Lands and

Despite his pronouncement at the State Opening of Parliament a year ago to "depoliticize" the National Telecom Commission (NATCOM), the Minister of Information and Communication, Mohamed Rahman Swarray (in photo) continues to wield political pressure

Robert Kondema Kargbo (in photo), one of the Commissioner of National Telecommunications Commission (NATCOM), left the shores of Sierra Leone on the 26th March 2019 to attend a conference on Roaming and the Implementation of

Sergeant Major Issa Kamara of the Republic of Sierra Leone Military Forces (RSLMF) has been shot dead in a shower of bullets by his bodyguard Private Jalloh (in photo), after a short exchange in their

The interim body for the Sierra Leone Importers Association (SLIA) has urged Alhaji Tanue Jalloh whom they described as outgoing/ex-officio of the association to give account of his stewardship after serving as President for fourteen

The 68 Members of main opposition and majority party in the Sierra Leone House of Parliament, All Peoples Congress (APC) has on Tuesday, 26th, March, 2019 boycotted the approval of one of the Presidential nominees,

The National Headquarters of the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank situated along Siaka Stevens in Freetown is in such a bad shape that does not resemble a bank owned by the Government of Sierra Leone.  The

As part of the continuation of its Digital Revolution which was launched on the 19th of February, 2019, Sierra Leone’s leading telecommunications company, Orange, will today, March 27th, 2019 officially launch its 4G LTE Services

The Secretary to the Vice President Barba Fortune has informed residents and stakeholders of Sahn-Malen Chiefdom that the formation of a Transition Committee is part of Government of Sierra Leone position to solve the long

The Executive body of the Sierra Leone Importers Association (SLIA) has condemned the action of Alhaji Wurie Sow for declaring himself as the current President of the association without going through the due processes. Quite recently,

The Office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Sierra Leone at 26 Charlotte Street, Freetown Sierra Leone has received and assessed complaint against a Lebanese business magnet, Tonitel Tonisco of Ecowas and Siaka Stevens

WESTERN AREA RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Spot Improvement and Routine Maintenance (5) Five Feeder Roads and the Construction of Culverts In the Western Area Rural District Council Procurement Number WARDC/RMFA/001/2019 Funds have been allocated to the