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October 2012

In a bid to promote an effective implementation of the free healthcare scheme in Matru Jong community and its environs, the Southern regional office of the Anti-Corruption Commission on Wednesday, 10th October, 2012, engaged health

After the combative vice presidential debate between vice president Joe Biden and Republican challenger Paul Ryan notwithstanding, the Apollo Theater is set to launch the second installment of its FREE Uptown Hall Series viewing party

Freetown, 14 October 2012 - A group of 28 European Union long term observers, coming from 22 EU member states and Norway, are being deployed throughout the country today. The observers arrived in Freetown on

Special Court for Sierra Leone - Four persons convicted last month of contempt for interfering with the administration of justice at the Special Court were sentenced 11 October, 2012 to terms of imprisonment ranging from

Italian Sports Manager and entrepreneur and owner of Flashlight Agency, Andreas Goller has said ahead of his visit to Sierra Leone that they are coming to unearth the “New Mohamed Kallon”. Goller and his partners will

It is a travesty of semantics and an insult to the intelligence of the man on the street, when a group of self-aggrandising “know alls” decide to dress themselves in robes of mortality. The Nobel

Enrolment rates at an all time high, but challenges remain- Offering free education, making it compulsory and supporting it politically has been the winning strategy behind Burundi’s successful bid to ensure that virtually all children

A high-powered delegation, headed by the Minister of Works, Alimamy P. Koroma (in photo) on 10th October, 2012 resolved the stalemate between two APC parliamentary candidates in Upper Magbema Chiefdom, Kambia District - Patricia Umou

As the politics of Sierra Leone are now becoming much more interesting as all signs are pointing to a November crushing defeat for the opposition Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) as it has already lost

Thousands of APC supporters nationwide, in their party colors, on Thursday 11th October, 2012 processed through the streets of Freetown after the nomination of the party’s presidential candidate, his running mate, and parliamentarians. The day resembled

Former Hon. Chernor Bah of Constituency 110 commonly called (Chericoco)  thrilled thousands of All Peoples Congress Party (APC) supporters after the nomination process at the National Stadium to the admiration of most supporters. He said “I

They say despise not the days of small beginnings, because better is the end of a matter than the beginning of it.  Interestingly, that is exactly what the Founder/CEO of the rapidly growing Football Club

The newly posted Counselor and Head of Chancery to the Sierra Leone Embassy in Washington DC, USA -Mrs. Isatu Sema Aisha Sillah (nee Bangura) has received a rousing welcome from the Ambassadors, staff, and representatives

New York City, New York - “The facebook page is designed to bring the Spirit of Malabo to the world”, said Victor Mooney of US based South African Arts International (SAAI). The site will provide

In its drive to spread anti-corruption messages to rural communities, the Northern Regional office of the Anti-Corruption Commission has raised awareness on the contents of the Service Charter for Makeni Regional Hospital in Sanda Loko,