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May 2012

The Independent Media Commission (IMC) wishes to clear the air over some misconceptions from the public on the ongoing matter between the Voice of the Handicapped FM96.2 Radio Station on one hand and the daily

Send Foundation of West Africa - Sierra Leone Program in collaboration with the Kailahun District Women in Governance Network, on May 17 this year launched the Kailahun District Women’s Manifesto at the Sierra Leone Association

Chairman of the Police Media Commission, Assistant Superintendent of Police Ibrahim Samura (in photo) and Honorable Chernoh Bah of Constituency (109) have assured residents of Brookfields community last week of safety in the hands of

Time and again the question of the spirit of true nationalism had been a serious challenge by all Sierra Leoneans. The spirit of nationalism is one that is being articulated and praise-sung by past and

The Executive Director of the Sierra Leone Roads Transport Authority (SLRTA), Dr. Sarah Finda Bendu (in photo) has told reporters in Freetown that her entity contributes up to 85% of roads maintenance funds every year. She

The Central police division in Freetown has discovered a huge amount of metal sleepers that are used as material to construct railways in the hands of a suspect. Reports gathered by this medium revealed that a

A patriot sacrifices his labor for love of country, fellow citizens, and does not ask a price for his worth of deeds. If you ask me what he gets in return I will say –

Who does not know that politics is made to infiltrate every sphere of the Country? There is a burning issue at hand wherein alleged parents of children taken abroad on an adoption scheme by HANCI,

We missed a lot in terms of commenting on issues of the day on a daily basis. The trial of the One Blood Clique family had begun, with Magistrate Komba Kamanda of Court No.2 refusing

In a bid to address the mounting number of children whose lives are controlled by the street and to reintegrate them with their families and send them back to school, a world class non-governmental organization

The Independent Media Commission (IMC) has fined the Editor of the daily New Storm newspaper the sum of Le500,000 for “failure to comply with the accuracy requirement “as provided for on page 12, section 1-3

Ex-Manchester United legendary striker, Dwight Yorke has officially launched the Airtel Rising Stars tournament in Sierra Leone on Wednesday May 16 at the Presidential lounge of the National Stadium in Freetown. Speaking at the ceremony, Yorke

Compassion has always been associated with the doctrines of religious principles, but we forget that it is primarily a driving force in serving mankind. To those who see public service as a way of doing

In its determination and enthusiasm to spread anti-corruption message to non- governmental organisations in the country, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Northern Regional office on Friday18th May 2012 held a customized meeting with staff of Plan-SL

Airtel as part of their corporate social responsibility on Wednesday May 16th visited the National School for the Blind to help them with provisions for their upkeep. Students, teachers and proprietor came out to welcome the