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February 2011

SLPP Dr Soyie who until yesterday was an accused, walked out of Court No 1 having been acquitted and discharged. The proceedings which lasted for about three months, at last reached its end shortly after Magistrate

There is an interesting opinion in the Unity newspaper by Professor Kelfala Kallon who never fails to amaze and delight me with his systematic and in-depth analysis of even the most complicated or bizarre issues

The absence of the ECOWAS delegation on the African Union high-level panel mission to Cote D’Ivoire - The Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) wishes to clarify the non-participation of the

Not too long from now the curtains at the Miatta Conference Hall in Freetown will be drawn open to host the long awaited political drama ever in Sierra Leone.  March 5th, will witness the opposition

Governor Clarkson was apocalyptic in delivering his prayers for Sierra Leone. In one of his solemn prayers for the country, Sierra Leone, he echoed that whosoever destroyed  or planned an attack on the

Madonna, world famed 52 year-old pop superstar, has broken her promise to fund a Girl’s Academy in Malawi to the tune of $15 million. This bombshell came after local villagers had been forced by the

The Minister of Energy and Power, Prof. Ogunlade Davidson (in photo), is reportedly in hot water with officials of National Procurement Office (NPPA) owing to US$30 million contracts awarded D&F Associate. Investigations say D&F won two

Cabinet, at respective meetings; 31st January and 7th February 2011, confirmed corruption overindulgences of City Council due to its end of year financial status. Facts sourced out say a tricycle purportedly missing after repairs at Works

Insider disclosure says President Koroma’s choice of running mate for the 2012 Presidential and parliamentary elections is Musa Tarrawally. It is revealed though that the appointment of Musa Tarrawally as Minister of Internal Affairs apparently defines

Information reaching this press states that the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Works, A.M. Bockarie, who until recent times was sent on leave, rejects handing over office to his successor Mr. J.T Kanu. In a letter titled

Dr. Julius Spencer last Thursday disclosed his intention of frog matching Citizen Radio and Punch Newspaper to the Independent Media Commission for publishing and airing libelous statements against him. He made this disclosure at a press

Alafia Point Beach Garden was the center of attraction this past Sunday February 20, 2011 as the nation’s leading telecommunication network, Comium held its 8th bi-weekly summer-mania draw. Winner of the star prize for the 7th

The peaceful and orderly nature of SLPP meetings and conventions is legendary. Never in our history have we come out of meetings bruised and spent, nor has there ever been an occasion when law enforcement

Sierra Leone’s Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister, Dr. Soccoh Kabia (in photo) was among two out of ten African ministers selected and accorded the opportunity to present awards to participants with the best fishing technology, fish

In an effort to improve infrastructural development and provide basic social needs for the people of Sierra Leone, President Ernest Bai Koroma has taken it upon himself to market the country and its rich potentials