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Njala ZAC participants celebrate with Zain

On Tuesday 13th July 2010, Zain distributed prizes to the Njala University at their new campus situated at Henry Street for their commendable effort in the Zain Africa challenge (ZAC). The prizes included Zain modems with

Registrar of the Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone has said in Freetown that errors that occur in the use of medicines and medical therapy are greater than the combined death rate caused by HIV and

The APC government’s planned commission to investigate the death of Bambay Kamara and 28 others, during the reign of the NPRC, was conceived in deceit and could have disastrous consequences more so when senior APC

Sierra Leone's Ambassador to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States and also Permanent Representative to the  Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Tuesday 13th July, 2010 joined high profile dignitaries in the ceremonial washing of

Illegal logging in the world's forests has fallen by nearly a quarter since 2002, according to what claims to be the most thorough analysis yet. (Photo: Illegal logging can remove vital wildlife habitat, leading to

The Freetown City Council (FCC), headed by city father Herbert George Williams, is almost always on the news spotlight for the wrong reasons. If the council is not being lambasted for its non transparent manner in

The London School of Journalism (LSJ) has awarded a ‘Diploma with Distinction’ to one of Sierra Leone’s finest journalists, Abdul Karim Kabia aka Abdul Fonti. The diploma was awarded to the journalist after successfully completing an

The second Regional Extractive Industries Knowledge Hub (REIK Hub) Summer School on governance of oil, gas and mining revenues, started on Monday 12th July 2010 at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA)

Former British Prime Minister has described Sierra Leone's President Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma as an 'Exceptional Leader' who will lead the country to a bright future. "We also see a determined people with an exceptional President

I am an African child Born with a skin the colour of chocolate Bright, brilliant and articulate Strong and bold; I'm gifted Talented enough to be the best I am an African child Often the target of pity My future is not

It's a golden rule of restaurants that the longer the description on your menu, the less you will get on your plate. Ditto politics. Perhaps it is in the light of this and the nest of

Money is problem, is the bedrock of bad attitudes, embezzlements, misappropriations, frauds, showing off and living in the expense of government coffers, driving luxurious cars and etc., are the orders of the day, Dat-nor-Good! I

That coward but over ambitious former army lieutenant colonel who would not hesitate to shoot a junior officer in the back continues his anti mende ranting words in the press. I have not bothered to

In spite of the appointment of Professor Ogunlade Davidson (in photo) as expert Minister in the Ministry of Energy and Power and the acclaimed successes credited him so far, the electricity crisis still persists, a

Sierra Leone is a country where 70 to 80% of its population relied on agriculture; the country is endowed with natural fertile soil that is good for large scale agricultural activities. The landscape of the