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Respect and understand ‘no’

Respect and understand ‘no’

mailO my gosh! Sometimes people come on so strong that we can’t help being bowled over or appalled and go ‘whoa.’

It hurts when we try to put our feelings across to someone and they don’t seem to be riding on the same love train. We may try all we possibly can and even surpass the impossible. Caught up in our desperation for a chance we tend to do things we presume they may like when in reality they hate it.

In life no two people can be the same but we somehow tend to use the same approach with every other person. Reader this is not done as humans are very complex people but what really bugs and irritates one’s mind is when people think they know you more than you know yourself  and refuse to respect your feelings because they are in ‘love’ with you. Yes nobody likes to be rejected but no means no Reader and you just have to snap out of it and move on with your life.

Sometimes we meet people that we think are perfect and ‘die’ trying to gain their love. Unfortunately you may find yourself in a spot where you find out that your feelings are not being reciprocated. You may try and try Reader, the sky may even be your limit but if he/she just ain’t feeling you they ain’t feeling you. Only one thing to do; let things be and get on with your life. It may seem hard and in your jaded state of mind you may feel that love is not for you. I strongly believe that you can fall in love more than once. Looking at things you may not even be in love with that person, rather you admire and desire him/her. Love is when you know a person and loves his/her weaknesses.

Reader between me and you some people are very dogmatic in their adoration and still refuse to see the word ‘no’ for what it is. It means ‘no.’ People like these are so forward and sometimes even to the point of obnoxiousness that they end up doing more harm than good. They don’t really care how a person feels they feel that their approach and self are the latest new thing to walk the earth. It’s really sad too because some of these people are nice but in their shallow minds and naïve hearts they don’t hold much appeal.

In their desperation they become what others hate to be like text pests and stalkers. Reader if you are one of these people then you need to stop because you are being a fool. You just have to accept this as part of life, if for every person you claimed you couldn’t live without actually gave you a chance…I shudder to think about your list Reader. 

Rather than trying to no avail to change a person’s mind why not try and be friends with them if you admire them so much? A somewhat naïve thing to say most would argue, but I believe that if you really care about someone you would want to be there for them and share with them no matter your position.

Lovers come and go but friends stick together for ever. Remember what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

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