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May 2012

Sierra Leone’s Envoy to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, His Excellency Ambassador Andrew Gbebay Bangali (in photo) satisfactorily represented the country’s Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Hon. Franklyn Kargbo at the just concluded

Korogocho, a slum in northeastern Nairobi with 100,000 inhabitants, had many of the ingredients for a political explosion similar to those that rocked other parts of Kenya in early 2008. It is crowded and very

April 27th 2012 is fading away in the not too distant pages of history. Sierra Leone became 51 years since independence and as usual, the day was commemorated in a special way as is often

I have been following articles and comments from colleague journalists and academics alike, about Sierra Leone’s political and social economic landscape with keen interest. While some of the articles mostly project the images of political

When recently I decided to take up some journalistic paraphernalia to write an article, I did not use a pseudonym. I never use pen-names or hide behind editorials when I want to express myself. And

Some 300 CEOs from all over Africa, together with 100 bankers and investors, and numerous decision-makers from Africa’s public sector will be gathering in Geneva for two days of dialogue and debate.  TUNIS, Tunisia, May 18,

There are few hotter topics on the international agenda than sustainability. The theme has been a mainstay of international conferences, and the biggest of them all — the UN's Rio+20 conference — will begin just

The Anti-Corruption Commission on the 15th May 2012 filed in the High Court of Freetown the following indictments: An eighteen (18) count indictment against Josiah Paris, owner of the Universal Media and Advertising Agency, Kelphala Yansaneh,

Farmers in various parts in the country, such as Makeni, Gbangbatoke, Pujehun, Mano Dasse, Mail 91 etc., cry their problems to Hugo Chavez Foundation in order to look into their problems and help them as

The country’s porous nature is cause for alarm.  Security, with all due respect to the forces, is volatile as we continue to see a rise in crime. The proliferation of armed banditry, cultism, and fraternity groups

The Late Honorable Thaimu Bangura was the founding leader of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP-Sorbeh). Sorbeh was one of the strongest opposition parties that were vibrant enough during the reign of the APC’s One Party

The Freedom of Information Act (FOI)  is one that is designed to allow journalists to  access information from any state functionaries for publication without being criminalized. This is an Act that is in dire need for

NCD Launches Conflict Resolution Project -The National Commission for Democracy (NCD) on May 15th launched its conflict resolution project at the regional consultation office for conflict identification in the western Area. The Chairman Alhaji Dr. Abubakarr

The Eastern Police Division is strategically placed within the Sierra Leone Police Jurisdiction in Sierra Leone. It is sometimes referred to as the “city gate” of security. This police jurisdiction is also situated in the

The Ministry of Health and Sanitation has hosted the West Africa Health Organization (WAHO) to review the harmonized legislation and legal framework to fight against counterfeit and illicit trade of medicines in the ECOWAS Region.