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July 2011

In the late 1960s the names Sam Short and Sam Metzger were some of the most familiar in Sierra Leone journalism. They had different styles of writing and were occasionally at each other’s throat but

In a bid to address key corruption issues and to educate every public officer about corruption and its devastating effects, the Anti-Corruption Commission in Kenema engages government Ministries, Departments and Agencies within the Eastern region.

When the final dust of the ten years of senseless carnage resulting from the civil war was settled in 2002, it ushered in the return to multi-party politics inSierra Leone. Besides being the indicator of the

Honestly if I were a member of the APC leadership I would genuinely worry about the way things are going which put bluntly, is that they are going nowhere at all.  But first let me

It has reached desks of this press that there is a ‘cold war’ between the acting Commissioner General of the National Revenue Authority (NRA) and the head of Internal Control and Audit. Such was made known

Reinstate Allieu Sesay - Now!  It is now the business of the Searching man to shout calling on the reinstatement of Allieu Sesay to his position as Director General of the National Revenue Authority (NRA) from

There have been reports, particularly in the dailies, that our local market has been flooded with expired food products as well as drugs and no one seems to be bothered by the ugly development. Stories about

There are indications that the High Command of Sierra Leone is embroiled in receiving bribes from Police Officers who want to stay in the peace keeping mission in Dafur, Sudan, some Police officers who appeared

The struggle for equal opportunities for women in all aspects of Sierra Leone’s socio-economic life is as crucial for our country’s future as it is to women.  Consequently, men and women must fight this battle

African Minerals SL Ltd. (AML) Freetown, 8 July, 2011 – Our attention has been drawn to a news item carried by Cotton Tree News (CTN) on its morning broadcast of Friday July 8, 2011 associating

Manoj Kohli, CEO Africa for Bharti Airtel during his first visit to Sierra Leone last July, made a declaration to invest $20 million to expand the network in Sierra Leone. Today we see that promise

Our detractors and our friends have restarted their analyses of why we lost the 2007 elections. Most have suggested that it was because of the divisions that occurred within the party, leading to the exit

Fourteen Chief Judges of different West African Countries including Sierra Leone’s Lord Chief Justice Umu Hawa Tejan Jalloh have embarked on a two days assessment of ten years existence of ECOWAS Community  Court of Justice,

The first Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Ministerial Conference on Humanitarian Assistance and Internal Displacement has started at the Commission Headquarters in Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria.  (Photo: R- Deputy Justice minister Hon. Arrow Bockarie

The recently launched ‘Talent: ID 2011’ programme of events being run by the Craig Bellamy Foundation are proving to be a big hit across Sierra Leone.  Already over 2,000 players have participated in the programme which