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Searchlight 6/8/11

Searchlight 6/8/11

Reinstate Allieu Sesay – Now! 

It is now the business of the Searching man to shout calling on the reinstatement of Allieu Sesay to his position as Director General of the National Revenue Authority (NRA) from where he was prior to his suspension pending the just concluded trial.

Mind you folks, Allieu was never sacked but was only suspended. And the fact that he has been found innocent by the High Court he should be unconditionally made to go back to work- his rights to submit national contributions stands high.

The Searcher with his beam is aware of serious battle raging at corridors of offices of senior NRA officers.

Sweet folks, please note very well that the Searcher will have no rest until Allieu Sesay is back in his office.

And woe betides any child of Adam and Eve who will cross swords with this great fighter in this battle.

Minkailu Bah, Dennis Sandy and Ogunlade Davidson Agrees Vacating FBC quarters

The man with the most powerful beam on planet earth has been reliably informed by trusted sources at Fourah Bay College in Mount Aureol that the Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Dr. Minkailu Bah, the Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs, Dr. Dennis Sandy, and the Minister of Energy and Water Resources, Professor Ogunlade Davidson (The Three Musketeers or The Three Merry Men) have agreed to vacate the quarters they’ve been occupying at Fourah Bay College’s, which to all intents and purposes proved illegally of them.

No doubt that the state officials’ inhabiting of FBC quarters is at the expense of the men and women who are staff of the college and have to pay rent elsewhere, trudge up the college every day to work.

Well, the Searching Man is very happy to hear this good news, but will continue to monitor these three men very closely until they give up the quarters.

And if they fail to vacate the place soon, Walaahi, the Searcher will be left with no alternative but to seriously embarrass them.

Ow ba una think say nar una Papa dem get Fourah Bay College ba?

Melian Tours should not charge more 

It will seem that this is the only country in the entire universe where anybody can do as he or she pleases and nothing will come out of it.

Now look at what a foreign company, Melian Tours is doing-putting hardship on poor passengers by charging more than the Government stipulated transport fares in Poda podas with the very childish argument that because their vehicles are fully air conditioned so they must charge higher than the other Poda podas.

That is what the man with the bean calls hogwash. Even if some vehicle operators decide to serve food and drink to their passengers the fares that have been fixed by Government are what they should pay for the ride and anything above that is sabotage, pure and simple.

So the Searcher is now ordering the Melian Tours to revert to the Government stipulated fares with immediate effect or else they are going to feel the wrath of this fighter-who-is-never-defeated.

It is a promise he will keep.

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