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Sierra Leone Pathologist Commends Mortuary Female Volunteer

The Government Forensic Consultant Pathologist, Dr. Simeon Owizz Koroma (in photo) has commended the first female mortuary volunteer, Theodora Weay for her steadfastness and passion she has demonstrated when working with the lone pathologist during

The Sierra Leone Charity Health Organization (SLCHO) which is a charity based organization has taken a robust move to help the present government of Sierra Leone to clean the Freetown City. According to the Chief Executive

Reports reaching this medium revealed that one of the Councilors under the main opposition All Peoples Congress (APC) ticket is reported to have connived with an illegal organization known as the United Youths Organization (UYO)

Sierramin Bauxite Sierra Leone Limited situated at Rogbere Junction, Port Loko District has been accused by poor land owners of Marampa and Maforkie Chiefdoms of not honouring Cooperate Social Responsibilities within their area of operation. Report

In a bid to mitigate the challenges facing the National Revenue Authority (NRA), with regard revenue collection at the Gbalamuya Customs Checkpoint in Kambia District, northern Sierra Leone, during the past years, modalities are now

Neighbours who woke up from their deepest slumber at around 5:00am on Thursday 14th February, 2019 when the first call to prayer was announced said, the two unidentified armed robbers with facial masks were zealous

The new Managing Director, Ahmed Saybom Kanu is taking the Sierra Leone National Shipping Company (SLNSC) to higher dimension and needs the government to put in more support to enable him do more at one

Secretary to the Vice President, Babah Fortune has exonerated the Deputy ACC Commissioner, Shollay Davies (in photo) from alleged illegal land acquisition. The land in question which rumour had it had been annexed illegally by Shollay

Major Announcement Expected Impacting Sierra Leone’s Conservation and Tourism Efforts   Freetown, Sierra Leone, February 21, 2019 – Sierra Leone will welcome Dr. Jane Goodall (DBE, anthropologist and UN Messenger of Peace), the world’s foremost expert

A good number of individuals whose names were openly read on Wednesday 13th February, 2019 at the Justice Biobele’s Commission of Inquiry by one of the directors of the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, Mr. Moses,

Independent Member of Parliament representing Constituency 104 Pujehun District, Hon. Shaka Musa Sama (in photo)  with some other persons Foday Moiwo, Mohamed Kamara, Momoh Ensah, Momoh Koroma, Jusufu Luseni and others on Wednesday 13th February 2019

Chinese Government Provide 30 Garbage Trucks His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio has officially commissioned thirty garbage collection trucks, a generous grant from the People’s Republic of China, to assist in the government’s ongoing cleaning exercise

The issue of the Commissions of Inquiry has been so topical among decision makers in the ruling Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) as if the country would not only develop immediately but hunger and food

The Chief Justice of Sierra Leone, Hon Justice Babatunde Edwards (in photo), may either be out rightly ignorant of the laws of Sierra Leone, and may therefore by every measure be deemed unfit and incompetent

A team of German pediatric surgeons in collaboration with Choithram Memorial Hospital have been conducting free surgeries in Sierra Leone on poor and needy patients below 18 years of age.   (Photo: (l-r) Dr. Tapan of