The acting head of media at the ministry of Sports, Dalton Shyllon, has refuted reports that the Confederation of African Football (CAF) has banned Sierra Leone from hosting international matches.“CAF did not ban us but
Despite real and purported efforts by successive governments and the private sector towards addressing the chronic problem of public transport, it goes without saying that the majority of residents in Freetown are going through hell
The problem of unemployment has been a perennial thorn in the flesh of successive governments, resulting in rising crime rates and other social menace ravaging communities across the country. (Photo: Fassaly Tarawalie) Not many private
The long awaited and yearned for ruling on the matter between three members of the National Reformation Movement of the opposition All Peoples Congress Party led by Minkailu Koroma and the party leadership was delivered 25th February
When a crowd of youths attempted to thwart the government’s efforts to relocate a generator from Makeni to the neighbouring Portloko District, it ended in an avoidable loss of lives of about seven people. The
The political history of Sierra Leone has been punctuated with bloodshed and violence, culminating in the ten years rebel war waged by the nearly defunct Revolutionary United Front from the early 90s to the early
Just few days after the vacation of a long-running court injunction slammed on the opposition All Peoples Congress Party as a result of litigation against the party by the National Reformation Movement (NRM) one of
On 24 February, UN Resident Coordinator (RC) in Sierra Leone Mr. Babatunde Ahonsi, welcomed ten senior members of the Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (SLCCIA) for a dialogue on partnerships to realize
Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio Makes Major Announcements in Pujehun, Catalogues Successes in Education, Health, Agriculture and Infrastructure Pujehun, Southern Province, Friday 19 February 2021 – His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio has said
News about the reemergence of the Ebola virus in neighboring Guinea that ravaged the sub-region claiming approximately 11, 000 people between 2014 and 2016 in the West African subregion has been received with a heavy
There is a public hue and cry over the high cost of living characterized by ever increasing prices in basic commodities and other essential goods. A bag of parboil rice now costs over Le 300,000.00 while
In the midst of controversial public opinion over Government introduction of a non-partisan policy on the conduct of Local Council Elections, the Sierra Eye Magazine in collaboration with the Institute for Legal Research and Advocacy
Every individual in societies across the world yearns for equal status, opportunities and rights. A nation can only progress and attain higher developmental growth when both men and women are entitled to equal opportunities. Inequality
Pending submission to Cabinet and Parliament for approval and ratification respectively, the Ministry of Finance has pointed out serious flaws in the contract awarded to Zoodlabs (SL) Limited headed by Iranian borne Davar Fazali (in
In two previous reports published on January 18 and 25 2021, we showed how the wife of the president of Sierra Leone, Madam Fatima Jabbe Bio, received nearly Le30 billion Leones (almost US$3 million) of