Your trusted place for Sierra Leone and global news

Wealth Builders threaten security in Makeni

After thorough researched and investigations, it was proven that the Wealth Builders Network has their highest membership in the country in the Northern city of Makeni where they had put social unrest and security at

I landed in Berlin on Tuesday 3rd instant after my family and I successfully conducted in Sierra Leone, the 40th day ceremony for my father who departed for eternity few months ago.  Though I could

Freetown - A DISABLED YOUTH-led centre that almost had to close its doors is celebrating a new lease of life with the help of a UN-HABITAT grant from its Urban Youth Fund which awards grants

African Foundation for Development (AFFORD), working in partnership with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialised agency for the United Nations, are to provide business support for about 400 existing businesses in Sierra

Sierra Leone’s number GSM operator, Africell Lintel (SL) Limited continues to make developmental strides in the country’s history. In spite of the fact that they were awarded as the best GSM Company by the organization,

Foundation for Democratic Initiatives and Development FDID is happy that other well meaning organizations have joined in the fight against FGM. Let me use this opportunity to applaud AMNET and UNDP in their collaborative effort which

As I mentioned on Friday former NPRC strongman Valentine Strasser broke his silence and came out with a bold statement in a CTN radio discussion. I did not listen to the programme but from those

For a little over a year, the world has watched and listened to John O. Benjamin aka JOB (in photo) blame the government of Dr. Ernest B. Koroma for whatever mishap that comes his way

When President Kabbah was restored to power after the AFRC coup of 1997, a group of SLPP mobs went on the rampage lynching and hanging tyres from the necks of APC partisans, pouring petrol and

The outgoing Sierra Leone Head of Chancery to Libya, Mr. Sahid Unis Kamara on August 6th, 2010 bid farewell to members of the Sierra Leone Community in Tripoli at a ceremony organized in his honour

August 13, 2010 - Ambassador Bockari K. Stevens, today signed on behalf of the Government of Sierra Leone, a Financing Agreement for the Sierra Leone Reproductive and Child Health care project, in the amount of

On the 6th of August 2010, a congregation of SLPP delegates from all over the United States of America, Canada and Sierra Leone converged in Southern California, Fullerton Crown Plaza Hotel to witness history in

ABUJA DECLARATION: PREAMBLE - WE, African Ministers in charge of Communication and Information Technologies meeting at the Third Ordinary Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers in charge of Communication and Information Technologies in

The red ribbon is an international symbol of AIDS awareness that is worn by people all year round and particularly around World AIDS Day to demonstrate care and concern about HIV and AIDS, and to

Okada as a means of transport was conceived as a result of public demand - the need for fast moving personal transport for hire and reward that operate in either traffic congestion-prone areas as is