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Place Resort Food & Beverage Manager Assures to maintain Standards

Place Resort Food & Beverage Manager Assures to maintain Standards

The Place Resort Food & Beverage Manager, Shailendra Kumar at Tokeh Village has assured the nation on his determination to continue deliver quality Food & Beverage services with automated system to maintain standards in line with international best practice.  (Photo: Place Resort Food & Beverage Manager, Shailendra Kumar)

In an interview with the Food & Beverage Manager, Mr. Kumar told Journalists that the Place Resort is a well prepared home for all class of people in society adding that, they are capable of hosting any international conference for Heads of State or other influential personalities.

He described the Place Resort as one of the best relaxation homes in the country. “The company has various sectors or components to enhance effective and efficient working environment”, Kumar noted and emphasized that the company is working strongly with open hands to boost revenue mobilization in the Tokeh environs, a tourist destination.

The astute manger continued that, the Place Resort has a private security entity known as the Place Security guards with well trained personnel to provide protection for guests. He deliberated that the company has value added services like quality internet service delivery, live football game shows, Bar & Restaurant department, standard swimming pool, multipurpose hall, decent relaxation points with fresh marine atmosphere.

He recalled that recently, the Place Resort hosts the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Julius Maada Bio on a special tour with his entourage where he commended the management for providing quality service for the people and also for promoting employment facility for youths in the surrounding villages within the peninsular and beyond.

Mr. Kumar said the Place Resort has been honoring Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at national and community level through various sport, education, social activities and health especially on cleaning exercises to eradicate mosquitoes and end malaria in the Tokeh vicinity.

He encouraged the general public to feel free and visit the Place Resort, noting that the company is catering for humanity in the area of value for money with respect to mankind.

He however expressed profound gratitude to the people of Sierra Leone especially to the Tokeh Village community where the Place Resort situated for tourist attraction and attention.

He finally assures the general public that, the Place Resort is not only providing employment for young people in Sierra Leone but also to contribute to nation building.

By Alhassan Bangura

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