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SLP Congo Cross With Its Partners Engage Communities

SLP Congo Cross With Its Partners Engage Communities

On Monday 5th and Thursday 8th February, 2018, the Cookle Bay and Thompson Bay Communities were visited by the Sierra Leone Police in partnership with the Local Policing Partnership Board (LPPB) and Campaign for Good Governance (CGG) on ‘Non Violence Elections’ before, during and after Elections as a Campaign to sensitize the Communities with special reference to the Youths, in encouraging them to deviate and denounce violence.   (Photo: L.U.C Of The Congo Cross Division Csp Thomas M. Lahai Addressing Communities On Non Violence Campaign)

The main duty of the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) is to protect lives and properties and Sierra Leone currently face a crucial moment with the 2018 General Elections to be held 7th March fast approaching.

In this regards, the Congo Cross Police Division supported by its partner, LPPB and CGG engaged Communities earlier mentioned

The meetings held had good turnouts, Youths as being the target were fully in attendance with more Girls/women and they made meaningful contributions especially the Thompson Bay Community, as they expressed concern in the venture undertaken by the Police as key for their protection and avoid confrontations. The Communities are happy because most of their Children have highly taken into drinking of alcohol, drugs, criminal activities and Cliques formed themselves into Groups disturbing the peace of some Communities in stealing of properties and damaging or destroying lives.

In giving a clear insight of the Police main mission in engaging these Communities, the Local Unit Commander (LUC) CSP Thomas M. Lahai, head of the Congo Cross Division in his statements congratulated especially the Youths for largely been in attendance as a sign of respect for them but more the Law. As he continued that they are visiting the Communities together with their Partners that include a Human Right and Civil Society Organization for the Communities to feel free with open minds, to be of no threat but be full of confidence, trust and positively participate with meaningful contributions in the Non Violence 2018 Elections at Community level.

LUC Thomas M. Lahai was very blunt to face them with the naked truth to curb crimes through public education as the first step in preparing a successful platform. He informed them of the recent Peace Match the SLP had in one of the past Saturdays, where His Excellency the President Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma was in attendance, there he strongly made statements against violence with warning to all that intend to perpetrate violence be arrested and any Politician or Stakeholder in Society that support or manifest interest with whatever slogan like the word ‘Power from above’ must be name and shame and brought to book. This shows that youths who looks to be energetic but lawless and always found in violence must this time round change their mindset of not killing themselves or been jailed for Politicians, as none would be ready to associate with anybody found in contact and in conflict with the Law. The President has fully empowered the SLP to be in total control of security as their mandate demand, especially when we are now in the period of Elections before, during, after and ensure that Sierra Leone has a peaceful and credible Elections come March 7th.

He further stated that as they are in charge of security, will ensure that they discharge their duties professionally and bring to book Defaulters that flout the Law face the actual penalties in accordance with the crime committed. As he conclude by saying that they are fully equip to see that free and fair Elections takes place, so he encouraged Communities to cooperate with them to enforce peaceful environment Countrywide.

The meetings were chaired by the LPPB Congo Cross Division Secretary General, Ibrahim Conteh. The LPPB Zonal Chairman, Pa. Salami Sesay and CGG Program Officer Ibrahim H. Sesay made good ones. Meaningful contributions made by Representatives from LPPB, CGG and Stakeholders including the Youths from the Communities engaged, questions and answers, group photos and refreshment appreciated by the Communities climax the meeting.

By Viktor Tutu Rogers:

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