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HomeLife and EntertainmentGo Da June 16th: The Celebration of the African Child

Go Da June 16th: The Celebration of the African Child

Go Da June 16th: The Celebration of the African Child

Atlanta, USA –Ms. Mary Adoga is a native and citizen of Sierra Leone, as well as a naturalized citizen of America, established the organization of Go Da June 16th .  Her organization will deliver on a strategy of addressing a long overdue need – to relieve the suffering of and establish a future for African children in the twenty-first century.

She is now directing a scope of work to coordinate a celebration in the city of Atlanta, Georgia for this upcoming June 16, 2010.

Mary Adoga

Mary Adoga

The concept for “Go Da June 16” came from the African Union celebration called the “Day of the African Child”, a commemoration of the death of 150 school children, massacred in Soweto, South Africa during 1976.  On June 16, 1991, the African Union declared this a day of national celebration to be observed in every country in Africa.  This is an international event throughout the continent of Africa.

Go Da June 16th (krio for “Go There On June 16th) intends to launch its version of the celebration this year on June 16, 2010 called “Go Dae June 16:  The Celebration of the African Child”.  Executive Dir. Mary Adoga’s goal is to bring the global spotlight for the event to the United States.

Go Da June 16th has filed its 501 (c) (3) nonprofit application with the IRS and is incorporated in the state of Georgia. 

For more information contact:  Ms. Mary Adoga, Executive Director, 1.404.492.1479, mary.adoga@yahoo.com, or visit:  www.godajune16th.org

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