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HomePosts Tagged "“Day of the African Child"

“Day of the African Child Tag


The Ministry of Children's Affairs with support from its partners has commemorated the Day of the African Child June 16, with the Theme: "No Pikin Nor For Lef

In its aspiration to enhance talents at tender ages, the Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) will be organizing a youth festival involving about 300 kids from 16 communities

 ‘He has the potential to become a future leader of this country!’ Nine year-old Solomon Lewis apparently moved everyone at the crammed Brigade Battle School (BBS) hall last Sunday

Street Children are any boy or girl who is yet to reach adulthood. Who seeks a livelihood or residence in the street. The demography is growing globally with

The Hugo Chavez International Foundation for Peace, Friendship and Solidarity on Saturday June 16, 2012 commemorated the Day of the Africa Child at Rosinte in the Bombali District

Cluff Gold Sierra Leone with operations at Baomahun in the Valunia Chiefdom Bo District has romanced with thousands of school children on the Day of the African Child

The Day of the African Child is celebrated every year on the Continent and around the world since 1991 when it was initiated by the Organization of African

World Vision Sierra Leone through its Area Development Programme in Lei commemorated The Day of the African Child in the Lei chiefdom, Kono district in eastern Sierra Leone;

Cluff Gold Company with operations in the Valunia Chiefdom Bo District joined thousands of school children drawn from over fifteen villages within the chiefdom to commemorate the Day