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HomeFeaturedRemarks by Stephane Dujarric, the Spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, on Ebola

Remarks by Stephane Dujarric, the Spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, on Ebola

Remarks by Stephane Dujarric, the Spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, on Ebola

Mr. Dujarric made the following remarks at a press conference at the UN Headquarters in NY today


“Starting with a couple of updates on Ebola – according to the latest figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), the total number of cases in the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa is now 7,178, with 3,338 reported deaths.

The upward epidemic trend continues in Sierra Leone and most probably also in Liberia. By contrast, the situation in Guinea appears to be more stable, though it must be emphasized that in the context of an Ebola outbreak, a stable pattern of transmission is still of a very grave concern, and could change quickly.

In Liberia today, the Head of the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER), Anthony Banbury, talked to the press to present the Mission’s priorities.

He also visited Lofa’s county treatment centre and met with senior government officials, civil society, NGOs, the UN Country team and the peacekeeping mission to gather their needs.

On the funding front, we would like to welcome Australia’s announcement of an additional contribution of $10 million to the international response.

The Special Envoy on Ebola, Dr. David Nabarro, said it was exactly the kind of quick and effective response the UN is asking of Member States given the complexity and scale of the crisis.

This will bring Australia’s total contribution to the Ebola response to $18 million, in addition to the more than $40 million provided to the World Health Organization over the past year to support global health services, activities rather.

We would like to encourage other countries to also intensify their support to the international response.

And finally in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Humanitarian Coordinator Moustapha Soumaré has allocated $2.5 million to fight the Ebola outbreak in Equateur province.

$1.8m will go to the World Food Programme (WFP) to buy food and also to run the Humanitarian Air Services (UNHAS), and UNICEF will also receive for health, water, hygiene, and sanitation projects.

As of yesterday, 1 October, 43 people had died out of 70 Ebola cases in Boende district, some 600 km north of the capital Kinshasa.”

United Nations

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