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Interview for SLRU members

Interview for SLRU members

The Executive of the Sierra Leone Reporters Union (SLRU) is inviting all old and new applicants to an interview at the Union Headquarters on 56 Campbell Street in Freetown on 30th November 2013 at 10:am Prompt

Be informed that all applicants must come with their original certificates and other relevant documents as a reporter.

The executive also wants to use this opportunity to encourage all applicants who have bought their forms and have not returned them to do so as soon as possible.

Also the executive is calling on all Managing Editors, Proprietors/Proprietress of media institutions to register their reporters with the union.

For more information contact SLRU Secretariat or the national  Secretary General, Mr. Saidu Bah  and the  National Vice President, Mr. Bampia James Bundu on: 076747499 / 077654123 076790012

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