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Over Sexual Harassment Allegations….General Yapo Sesay Exonerated

Over Sexual Harassment Allegations….General Yapo Sesay Exonerated

The Assistant Chief of Defense Staff (ACDS), Brigadier General Daniel Yapo Sesay, who was accused by Lieutenant B.I Moses for sexual harassment has been exonerated, and cleared from any wrong doing according to the Disciplinary Panel of Defense.

This was made known by the Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) Samuel Omar Williams (in photo) at a press conference held on Wednesday October 31, at the Ministry of Defense conference room.

The CDS maintained that the investigation was carried out in partnership with the Office of the Ombudsman, noting that it could be recalled that Lieutenant Boima Moses alleged that she was sexually harassed by the soft spoken Gen Yapo Sesay for gross misconduct, an accusation which the accused denied.

In an interview with the loyal, firm, and focused General he revealed that he had served the nation, especially the army, for over 35 years with an unblemished record. Underlining that he is looking forward, to an honorable retirement free from negatives and uncouth character damage.

He noted that the ploy of ex-Lieutenant Moses and cohort has failed and hopes that spirit of social conscience and justice will serve them right.

The general maintained that he is a Christian and by nature of his belief he has forgiven the plotters. The general is noted to have risen from sustainable characters of dedication, result orientation, and is afull and a seasoned administrator over his years of service.

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