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Driver imprisoned for beating a woman

Driver imprisoned for beating a woman

Mohamed Sesay, a driver residing at Collier Compound, Juba Hill, Friday 11th November, 2011 was denied bail and sent to the Pademba prison for a week by Magistrate J.O Wellington, a recently promoted high court Judge.

The accused was charged with two counts; Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, contrary to section 47 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861.

According to the particulars of offence, the accused on the 17th October, at the above address assaulted Baby Gbla in a manner there by occasioning her actual bodily harm.

Defense lawyer, C.O.A Timbo, applied for bail on behalf of his client and said he is a citizen of Sierra Leone.  He said accused will be in court as and when called upon.

Police prosecutor Sergeant 3847 Smith objected to the application of the Defence Council, stating that it the accused is granted bail he will interfere with witnesses.

After listening to the applications of the both the Defence and prosecution, Magistrate Wellington refused granting bail to the accused and said he should be remanded in custody for one week. The matter was adjourned to the 31st November.

By Mary I. Kamara

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