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Exposed: degrading treatment at Pademba Prison

Exposed: degrading treatment at Pademba Prison

A prisoner  serving a jail sentence at the maximum Pademba road prison has revealed to this medium that facilities available at the Central Prison yard are below international standards.

He said breakfast served contained considerable amount of Legatine, which according to him, prevents the prisoners from giving away waste product freely.

That it is now common that prisoners, on number time, do not respond to giving out waste product (toilet) as usually the case.

He noted however that food prepared for prisoners looks very unpalatable and as he puts it, “some prisoners prefer selling their food to other prisoners for two hundred; less a cent of a dollar.”

Leaks reaching this press have it that prisoners that are called ‘Red Bands’ particularly those serving longer jail terms overindulges in petty trading- selling items such as pepper, salt, margie to other prisoners to enable them make delicious food given them.

Unconfirmed revelations are that some prison officers attached to the kitchen at the Central Prison yard takes away cooking ingredients to their private homes, leaving the vulnerable prisoners to languish.

That prisoners eat good food when external visitors pay official visitation to Central Prison yard.

In his comment, Director of Prison Watch, Mambu Feka said food prepared for prisoners at the Pademba prison is nothing to write home about.

He said during one of their visits at the Central Prison yard they were shown food prepared for the prisoners but was far below standards.

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