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Mr. Idiot: Mr. Idiot Supports Reformation Drive but…

Mr. Idiot: Mr. Idiot Supports Reformation Drive but…

As if in a lecture room, the appointed Chairman of the Sierra Leone Conference on Development and Reformation, Herbert M’cleod, in a clear-cut term schooled the Idiot of the essence of the conference nonetheless.  (Photo; Ibrahim Samura, editor)

Just as you all know the Idiot; it was not his meditation that he will get anything good from the meeting between himself and members of the conference committee.

But to his dismay, a man who calls himself ‘Technocrat M’cleod,’ but whom the Idiot calls Prof. M’cleod, approached him, and without any wasting of time, summarizes reasons for the proposed conference thus affirmatively approving President Koroma’s developmental and reformative vision for Sierra Leone in 50 years to come.

Of course, the meeting came out delightful to the Idiot. But again, as he listens to Prof. M’cleod, the Idiot smartly picked from his mouth, lined up recommendations of members of the said committee on how Sierra Leone could be steered in the next 50 years.

Thank God, Mr. Idiot is sure to see another 50 years of Sierra Leone. And don’t dare undermine such a dream, else, the Idiot shall have no choice but expose you in public. Trust!

And believe it or live it, the Idiot has pledged his support for the committee on the conference of development and reformation.

He has himself seen the benefits such a conference has for this country, and in no doubt, has vowed not encourage unscrupulous politicians try to manipulate or change the direction of conscious efforts of, of course, Prof. M’cleod, Isaac and rest.

For your information though, the Idiot is been asked by Prof. M’cleod to represent members of the Association of Idiots (AOI) in the committee.

His duty, he is told, is to sign post the way forward nay suggest meaningfully contributions that will possibly help reduce or eradicate Idiotism in our society.

And you know what! This is big shame to persons calling the Idiot Idiot. As for the politicians, you who’ve crossed 50, it is sure you’ve had no hope seeing the next 50. So, it will be better if you will refrain playing your usual dirty tricks and allow honest boys work for the good of Mama Salone.

As an Idiot, though senseless and unintelligent, I have had no time calling Sierra Leone ‘Mama Salone’ anyway.

I have resolved calling her ‘Mama Salone’ because she is seen as turning her back against the bad old 50 years, and now working towards the new good 50 years to come.

Of course, and no doubt seeing the Idiot uses the prefix ‘Mama’ on mother Sierra Leone’s name.

Less the Idiot forgets; allow him hints you of targeted goals persons appointed as committee members on the conference of development and transformation.

Goal 1: How the picture of Sierra Leone will look like in the next 25 years? To this however, rests Prof. M’cleod’s schooling of Mr. Idiot on number of issues.

That within the next 25 years, Sierra Leone should have had 90% literacy; all should enjoy the pleasure of solid and better education then.

So you see! Will this not bring Sierra Leone countless development?

Now for goodness sake, is there any reason not having the Idiot deal with politicians, who for selfish reasons, might want to introduce their usual dirty politricks to persons tasked to put words together for the betterment of all?

Goal 2: chatting the root- no going back. No more military rule, rebel war, one party system etc.

Fellow Citizens, will it surprise you also that Prof. M’cleod has not only schooled the Idiot, but also asked him give his input.

Let it be known though that the Idiot has vowed naming and shaming politicians intentfully politicizing the work of committee members.

Need not waste time warn dishonest Sierra Leoneans refrain the habits detracting useful and better heads as they put ideas together for the good of Sierra Leone?

 Swear to God, the Idiot will unfailingly not allow violators go unpunished at all. And for your enlightenment anyhow, it has pleased the Idiot to write up by-laws and submit same to Parliament for approval. Once approved, persons obstructing conducts of forward looking Sierra Leoneans such as Prof. M’cleod and others will surely face punishment. Will not tell how the laws will look like for now.

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