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HomeLife and EntertainmentMs. Natasha Beckley’s Ms. World Pageant Fund Raiser

Ms. Natasha Beckley’s Ms. World Pageant Fund Raiser

Ms. Natasha Beckley’s Ms. World Pageant Fund Raiser

Sierra Leone Association of Artists are reaching out to you all because of the influence each and every one of you have in our Sierra Leone community at home and abroad. We took on the Natasha Beckley case because we believe we have good people in our community that can rally behind projects that will make our country look good.

After a lengthy discussion with Ms. Beckley about preparation for the Ms. World pageant. We learnt that her family and friends cannot and should not shoulder this responsibility by themselves. Preparing for an event of such magnitude is no child’s play, the financial commitment is enormous. Last week while in Freetown she met with our president and other dignitaries to see how our government can help. We are not waiting for the govt., we are doing our part to raise whatever little funds we can raise for her.

We decided against doing the regular fund raising dance which normally comes with its own expenses and there is no guarantee people will even show up. We then came up with the idea of an Internet Radiothon through the Sierra Leone Music Television (SLMTV – www.slmtvradio.com) where people can call and make donations through Paypal, mail checks, money order etc, next Saturday October 1st from 12pm – 8pm.

This is new in our community, it is a pilot and maybe others can use this form of raising funds for future projects. We have lined up interviews with some of our entertainers in our community and others in the African and Caribbean entertainment industry. This is a cross-generational affair, thus the reason for lining up interviews with the likes of Sullay & Patricia Bakar of Afro National, Abu Whyte of Muyeh Power, Bunny Mack, Jimmy Bee, Emmerson, Kay Man, Shadybaby, Nzinga Blake, Dr. Fuambai Ahmadu, Mrs. Mariama Heyword, Mr. Ahmadu Massally, some of our international soccer players, Mohamed Pobosky Bangura, Ibrahim Teteh Bangura, Ibrahim Obreh Kargbo, Mohamed Kallon. We are also in the process of confirming other entertainers that will call in and pledge their support to Ms. Beckley bid for the Ms. World crown.

Kindly help us promote this event to your network of friends. Please make the  flier below your profile picture on Facebook and other social media. Thank you much for your support.


Mohamed Joe Ibrahim Kosia, Jr.

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