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HomePoliticsWashington DC Metropolitan Chapter voting not over …

Washington DC Metropolitan Chapter voting not over …

Washington DC Metropolitan Chapter voting not over …

The Washington DC Metropolitan Chapter’s Presidential Election between Abdul Bero Kamara (Chief), and Yabom Sesay, held on Sunday September 12, 2020 is not over until it is over for the following reasons.  The results were

Yabom Sesay             166
Abdul Bero Kamara    173

Due to some voting irregularities 47 ballots were subtracted from Abdul Bero Kamar, thus leaving him with 126 ballots.

Yabom Sesay was declared winner.

The ballots were said to have the same handwriting.  Two clerks were appointed for both candidates to aid write on ballot papers of people who cannot write.

(The disqualified ballots were taken home by Ms. Manusu Conteh, of Philadelphia, who is National Electoral Commissioner)

As a result of the above

  1. Abdul Bero Kamara refused to concede and contested results.
  2. Abdul B Kamara has protested results to both Electoral Commissioners, North America branch and he is filing a petition for a re-match.
  3. The motion to form an interim Executive was defeated during the August 28, 2010 meeting.
  4. Thus, by default, the outgoing Executive will continue its work.
  5. An interim body should be formed until another election.

More on the WMC Presidential election to come


By Arolyn I Koroma

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