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Afsatu Trial: Final Verdict Due

Afsatu Trial: Final Verdict Due

It is now up to the court in the trial of former Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resource Afsatu Kabba (in photo) to give verdict on the issue between the State (Anti Corruption Commission) and the ex-minister as both the prosecution and defence has rested their case in the matter.

Both lawyers for the prosecution and defense are expected to submit their final addresses to the court on Thursday before presiding Justice Samuel Ademusu of the Freetown high court.

When the matter was called on Friday last week, the slated date for the submission of the final addresses, lead prosecution counsel for the ACC, C T Matsebo, told the court that the prosecution had not yet prepared its address as the time given to them was short and asked the court for an adjournment.

The lead defense counsel J B Jenkins Johnston, told the court that because of commitment and workload, the defense was also not in the position to give final address and that they are expecting that prosecution to first present its address.

He also informed the court that whether the prosecution prepares its address or not, the defense will make its own address available to the court on Thursday this week.

The matter was adjourned to Thursday for both the defence and the prosecution to present their addresses.

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