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June 2011

The outcome of the recent Conference of Principals of Secondary Schools (CPSS) held in Bo city was a proposal for a review of current school fees upward.  (Photo: Dr. Minkailu Bah, Minister of Education) According to

It was at the recent conference of secondary school principals held in Bo, Southern Sierra Leone that the National Head of the West African Examination Council (WAEC), Sheriff Sapateh informed his audience that council has

DJ’s announcement: well, well, well, fellow citizens of this fifty years old country with false life and vague promises of the politicians, this time is full of consciousness. These days the people’s power questions the

When African leaders assemble in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea on June 30 for the African Union summit, they will discuss numerous challenges confronting the continent. No doubt economic and political issues will take center stage, but

The Playhouse Foundation donated 600 sets of double school desks and benches to primary schools in Kono District from 13 – 17 June 2011 as part of its second phase of activities.  This donation which

Josef Morie Kamara (aka) Kama was on Tuesday this week arraigned at Magistrate Johannes Wellington’s Court No 2 on a Count Charge of obtaining money by false pretence, contrary to Section 32(1) of the Larceny

World Vision Sierra Leone through its Area Development Programme in Lei commemorated The Day of the African Child in the Lei chiefdom, Kono district in eastern Sierra Leone; using their Vision statement as the theme

On the 11th June 2011 US Secretary of  State,  Hillary Rodham Clinton speaking in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania warned of a creeping “new colonialism in Africa from foreign investors and governments interested only in extracting

I was filled with despair as I read Tony Blair's thoughts, and comments regarding Africa, and Sierra Leone published on Friday 17 June 2011 under a photograph of an unrelated new factory representing an original

Journalism, they said is a noble profession. But who is a Journalist? An Australian Satirist, Karl Kraus (1874-1936) referred to a Journalist as “a person without any ideas but with an ability to express them;

Freetown – Over one hundred journalists turned out today to join hundreds of other mourners at the St Martin’s church in the east of Freetown to bid a befitting farewell to their slain colleague Ibrahim

The Regeneration Of An Indigenous Culture   ATLANTA, Georgia – Geechee Gullah Culture Spokesperson Reginald H. Hall announced today the establishment of the Geechee Gullah Culture Non-Government Organization, Incorporated.  The NGO consist of an executive accountability team,

The Special Court Chief Security Officer, Saleem Vahidy, is reportedly having pressure from witnesses promised relocation after surrendering testimonies in the wells of the court’s chambers - trial chambers I &II.  It is a fact that

Reports monitored indicate that President Koroma is unhappy over the current predicament faced by the National Power Authority (NPA) in the supply of power to residents of Freetown.  It is glaring though that residents of Freetown

In a bid to transform the educational sector in the country and to also cater for the middle man power, a newly born tertiary institution, Nabserrah College of Management, Science and Technology located at Kissy