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HomeFeaturedSerious headache for parents… Gov’t to raise school fees

Serious headache for parents… Gov’t to raise school fees

Serious headache for parents… Gov’t to raise school fees

The outcome of the recent Conference of Principals of Secondary Schools (CPSS) held in Bo city was a proposal for a review of current school fees upward.  (Photo: Dr. Minkailu Bah, Minister of Education)

According to sources to the conference, the Minister of Education Science and Technology, Dr. Minkailu Bah disclosed that his ministry has received the proposal for the increase of school fees from representatives of the CPSS but that government was looking critically at the proposal.

“I have passed over the proposal to the National Board of Education for their advice,” he disclosed.

The minister did not disclose the amount to be paid per pupil neither did he state when such payment will commence.

However, sources close to the education ministry have intimated to this press that the new fees will range between Le40,000 and Le45,000 per pupil, per term, and that they will take effect from September 2011.

JSS pupils, we are told, would be paying Le40,000 per term, or Le120,000 for one academic year, while SSS pupils would be required to pay Le45,000 per term or an annual fee of Le135,000.

The current fee paid at the JSS level is Le20,000 per term, or Le60,000 per year. Fees for SSS pupils currently stand at Le25,000 per term or Le75,000 per annum.

The new increase, if it takes effect, will see school fees being increased by close to 100%.

Upon hearing the news, one commented that the increase is astronomical. “Where do they expect us to get such money, considering the fact that teachers continue to demand extra charges for our kids in addition to school fees?”

This press could not reach the minister for comments as at press time.

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