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No matter how other political party leaders and supporters may look at it, the manner in which the main opposition and majority party in Parliament, All Peoples Congress

A debate is doing the round that the 58 years old Presidential candidate for the National Grand Coalition (NGC), Alhaji Dr. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella will find it extremely

It is widely argued that one cannot talk of first time voters in Sierra Leone without mentioning the National Grand Coalition (NGC) Presidential candidate, Alhaji Dr. Kandeh Kolleh

Friday night, in Philadelphia, United States was the scene of political mastery where supporters and sympathizers including core APC, SLPP, ADP and other smaller parties thronged to see

Aspirant for Ward 136, Constituency 62 formerly Constituency 41 in Samu Chiefdom, Kambia District, Momoh Mange Yillah has thrown challenge to the National Grand Coalition Presidential candidate, Kandeh

With the emergence of National Grand Coalition (NGC) as a potential third force in the much talked about March 7th, 2018 elections is an indication that the chances

Political analysts have averred that despite misconceptions among Sierra Leoneans about the most popular Presidential Flagbearer aspirants of the main opposition Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP), Retired Brigadier

Flagbearer aspirants were denied access to the NEC meeting despite official invitations as observers from the National Chairman, Chief Sumano Kapen following a meeting with the PPRC. Kandeh Kolleh