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Now that many Sierra Leoneans depend mainly on cookery, It is necessary for me to draw the attention of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and other concerned

African Development Bank in aiding the Government of Sierra Leone to promote rural development has provided funding for water, sanitation and hygiene projects in five districts in the

‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’ is one of the commonest clichés which we often ignore or do not put into practice in our respective communities and consequently, our

Freetown, 15 October 2015 – Handwashing with soap is dangerously low in many countries, including Sierra Leone, UNICEF reports, despite its proven benefits to child health, and its

Waterloo, May 10 (SLENA) - The Sierra Leone Association of Bakers (SLAOB) last week Tuesday engaged colleague bakery owners and bakers in Waterloo to address the growing problems

Seven in ten women in sub-Saharan Africa have no access to a safe toilet, threatening their health and exposing them to shame, fear and even violence. This means that

Community Health Officer (CHO), Adama Kondor of Mabela Health Centre has revealed in an interview with Sierra Express reporter that the Mabela community is currently faced with the

WASH–Net water, sanitation and hygiene network in partnership with Water Aid and Oxfam over the weekend ended a two day workshop at the Grassroots Gender Empowerment Movement’s (GGEM)

As part of complementing the ministry of Education, Science and Technology in the practice of hygiene education in schools, a local NGO operating in the East Muloma Women