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February 2012

Now is my turn to talk. I have warned, warned and warned, but you would not listen at all- I mean you who call yourself politicians.  (Photo: Ibrahim Samura, editor) No time wasting at all. Who

Upset Army retirees have vowed to storm the offices of Reliance Insurance Trust Corporation (RITCORP) in protest for their benefits. The retirees, who told this press that they took leave of the military on the 31st

The attention of Government has been drawn to a very mischievous press release circulated by the opposition Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) with a deliberate attempt to misinform members of the public and at the

Sierra Leone’s Deputy High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Tamba Mansa Ngegba, has expressed interest on behalf of his country for a computer charity organisation to work in Sierra Leone.  He visited Computers 4 Africa, a

I must start off by registering my appreciation to those hundreds of thousands of Sierra Leoneans who have seen the need to come out in their numbers and register for the pending November 17th elections.

Schoolgirl Nomasonto Masango giggles as she lists the things she and her friends want boyfriends to buy them. “If you have an older boyfriend, he can buy you things and it is nice to show

Interview with Amos Sawyer: In 2003 the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), the continental development plan, initiated the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). Since then 30 countries have joined the voluntary arrangement. How well

As a soccer enthusiast and a one time a footballer, I am compelled to write on recent events of disaster of soccer violence in Port Saiid. Egypt. Egypt, known as ancient civilization, has a very good

I’m delighted, if not enchanted, when a Sierra Leonean ventures into the literary realm, and Dr. Louis Bankole Jones’ maiden slim collection of poems: ‘Over The Years’ is no exception. The field remains open and

I am one person who has become so impressed with the efforts of Mercury International in promoting education in this county that I actually see it as a duty to publicly commend them. Last year they

Airtel has again thrilled its customers with the best 3.75G network in Sierra Leone, which certainly will bring change to the subscribers and enable them to enjoy the web on their phone. Managing Director RVS Bhullah

Faith Ambassador, Mohamed Y. Turay told participants in his spearhead day-long workshop, held at the Benevolence Islamic Primary School, Calaba town, that volunteerism to actualize the faith dream of British former Prime Minister, Tony Blair,

He calls himself a Temne man. He says he is Di Obai’s ‘Kortor’ uncle or so. He boastfully says APC is his party and that he is the Di Obai tribe’s man too.  (Photo: Ibrahim

Mohamed Koroma, complainant of an alleged conspiracy, kidnapping and wounding matter Friday 3rd testified in magistrate Court 2 Mohamed Koroma told Court 2 that he was at Moyamba junction (where he lives) in the company of