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Of State Protocol

I watched the protocols during the recent State Visit to the United Kingdom, of the South African President Jacob Zuma. It was an interesting and spectacular event as only the British know how to do

Indeed, the National Revenue Authority is the latest institution to have captured the attention of our President, Dr Ernest Bai Koroma and to me; this is all in line with the President’s determination to see

When the noise of the jet engine was racing to land at Lungi International airport, I was consumed with joy that my beautiful Sierra Leone is thriving and peace seems to be a permanent experience.

On Monday March 8, 2010, within 48 hours deadline after the official results of the SWASAL Election was announced, the Electoral Commission of SLAJ received a petition from Sorie Ibrahim Sesay, a fully registered SWASAL

In 1825, Chief Justice Marshall of the Supreme Court of America, in the Antelope Case, ruled that ‘no principle of general law is more universally acknowledged that the perfect equality of nations.’ Article 2(1) of

On inception to power, President Ernest Bai Koroma was quick to make plain his political development agenda for Sierra Leone. Indeed any value oriented and productive manager would first have a realistic, marketable, achievable, measurable

It was at the Safecon Filling station along Lightfoot-Boston yesterday morning; I  was browsing through the pile of newspapers that I had just purchased when I heard the voice. “So you are back. Thank God

The FPU-North America hails the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, His Excellency, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma on the appointment of Justice Abdulai Timbo as the Fullah Tribal Head, Western Area, Sierra Leone The long

Take it or leave it, whatever shortcomings critics attribute to President Ernest Koroma's no-nonsense and uncompromising stand against corruption in Sierra Leone, one fact stands for sure - when the contemporary history of Sierra Leone

It is 3 AM in New York, U.S.A. and 9 AM in Freetown, Sierra Leone and I am sitting here in New York to write what I consider to be a hide and seek game

Based on Thursday 11th March, 2010 publication in the Spectator Newspaper on volume 5, number 34 story headline ‘Cocaine discovered at Pademba Road,’ written by Alford Dillet this information was not correct because nothing like

BA team of Guma Valley Water Company personnel and police officers on Sunday 14th March 2010 arrested eleven defaulters, who were busy disconnecting and stealing water from Guma pipes. The head of Guma officials, Public Relations

President of the Staff Welfare Association, Edward Kargbo, in a Press Conference at Statistic Sierra Leone Headquarters, Tower Hill;  AJ Momoh Street in Freetown, has told Journalists that certain people who call themselves ‘concerned staff’,

The Choithram Scholarship fund which is in honor of the late Pa. Choithram Pagarani, early this week offered the sum of Le48, 000, 00 in support of 343 destitute children in the country. Chief Financial controller

Healthcare has been a fundamental problem in the development process of Sierra Leone. Most of what underpins the underdevelopment of the country factors in the country are in one way or the other connected to