Thumbs up for the Police!
In the Bible, Jesus teaches us to “Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s and to God what is God’s”. In the same vein, our commitment to public service journalism compels us to give credence where it is due.
Indeed, our police force over the years had exhibited high handed and unprofessional behavior in their dealing with the public for which they have been strongly and widely condemned and criticized, notwithstanding logistical and other constraints.
Today, we give kudos to the police not for failing to act in a brutal way in handling public protests most times unnecessarily, but for stepping up in keeping lawless and undisciplined commercial bike riders at bay, thereby bringing sanity to vehicular traffic in the city center. This in turn has brought relief to road users and reduced the perpetual nightmare of traffic congestion with its attendant consequences.
In fact, the level of decorum restored by the recent deployment of police officers in the streets has boosted the President’s war against indiscipline especially for commercial bike riders who were fast becoming a thorn in the flesh of smooth-flowing traffic.
We want to commend the Minister of Internal Affairs for a job well-done and to encourage him to keep the fire burning. While we acknowledge the important and substantial role played by commercial bike riders in the socio-economic growth of the economy, such role should not come at the detriment of public good. Bike riders should conform to regulation and give peace a chance.
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