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Roaming Puawui

Roaming Puawui

I am privy to an interesting piece of news from along the corridors of power which as is usual with me, I have decided to share with my readers. There is news circulating but restricted only to me, that his Excellency has decided on a minor reshuffle among his operatives. This is not to be confused with a cabinet reshuffle about which there is so much speculation from people who know precious nothing about such procedures. If they did they would not continue to mislead themselves and their leaders about the President’s intentions which common sense continuously tells us is a prerogative of his Excellency which he keeps close to his heart.

No folks, my source is very different and only I have responsibility for it. H E has decided to move his present press secretary Sheikito; it has nothing to do with performance or the lack of it. Who will dispute that Sheka Tarawali carries out his responsibility with the utmost zeal. It is just that somebody else has emerged in recent months and who appears to have an edge over Shekito and that is the current managing editor of the African Champion Ibrahim S Tarawali.

When it comes to anti SLPP propaganda or to the publication of imaginary plots or their manufacture the fellow has no equal. He has beaten all other APC propagandists or praise singers hands down. He boasts of knowing what is in the minds of anti APC activists like John Benjamin, J J Saffa and of course that incorrigible dinosaur Puawui.

The fellow has supernatural powers which tell him that the good people of Kailahun are divided over the introduction of free health care delivery to the district. “With a fellow like that by my side, what would I miss in the nature of fabrications and slander?

I am happy with Shekito but this young man is in a class apart,” the President mused. Let me be the first to congratulate Mohamed Koroma’s protégé Ibrahim S Sillah the acting managing editor of the champion for his imminent promotion at the end of Ernest Koroma’s third term.

I wonder if readers of Peep newspaper have taken notice of a new column by his mentor the 194 year old Puawui who is determined that good old Olu would have no rest in this his fourth remission from the jaws of death. I have to congratulate the old man Poo and wee because the new column is devoid of vulgarity or pornography…so far or for the time being. Keep it up Olu and look after yourself because I am praying that you do not miss my forthcoming 80th or is it 194th birthday. Come rain or shine Olu, you have to be there and propose a toast. There is no room for an RSVP, the matter is settled.

Could the APC be serious in complaining about violence perpetuated by SLPP supporters in constituency 91 during the just conclude Parliamentary bye election in the Pujehun district? When I first heard the news I said it couldn’t be true because a people who had geared themselves up at getting that constituency by any means, fair or foul would suddenly turn around and cry foul. It would be interesting to hear what NEC or the National Election Watch have to say. But it really sounds odd. Here is a constituency with 27,000 registered voters of which 0nly 7 thousand exercised their franchise. The rest of the population remembered the previous local government bye election which the APC won and advised themselves to stay away and now the very APC is crying foul!  

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