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HomePoliticsWhy A Self-Growth Political Supporter Becomes A Self-Saboteur In N.A.

Why A Self-Growth Political Supporter Becomes A Self-Saboteur In N.A.

Why A Self-Growth Political Supporter Becomes A Self-Saboteur In N.A.

I don’t care who you are and the intentions you have in mind, but the answer to the above question is very simple. It’s really sad, heartbreaking, poignant and pathetic. How a self-proclaimed political party supporter, would turn against his or her party? How can one sabotage a political function of a party he or she ironically claimed to love? Many of us have invested quality time and energy into our political activities in support of our beloved political party. We uphold the bye-laws, respect the leadership of our political party, and we listen for inspiring ideas, sometimes our colleagues place` personal phone calls for pep talks, which complement them. We discuss psychology with our party friends, or we also look for friends with whom we can have open discussions on the subject. No malice or permanent enmity, heinousness or bad feelings.

There are times we have political activities in our minds which gets sandwiched with a little bit of confusion. We disagree to agree. We encounter so many differences in lines of thoughts, so many tools, so many exploratory exercises but “Yes we can”. It’s as if we were in the middle of a dense, majestic forest when it all started before the Ohio convention. Scrupulously, the APC party we all loved and supported so genuinely, its national executive inauguration was bed-bugged by some political termites amongst us. It is a shame but I thank God for our die-hard APC supporters who were present at this ceremony. Why does it have to happen to our newly elected national executive of our “Power House”? We have reached a point wherein I don’t feel satiated anymore by the work of our political termites. Looking at what really lays ahead come 2012, these self-growth political termites will become our political bed-bugs in all our strong holds.

The APC-NA inauguration feels like another workshop or a testing mankind. You hate, loathed and detested the political leadership of your branch, but don’t take it on the political party. It’s dumb, stupid, irresponsible and senseless. You feel more like an empty loudness. It’s not that your head is full, but it’s more that you are hungry for power. You are hungry, because you have tasted power. You used it for your greedy personal gain. You defamed others characters to be recognized. You marline and side stepped on others shoulders to be seen and heard. Don’t you benefit from all these by relaxing and taking a break after being political termite during the day and a political bed-bug at night?

We don’t need a zillion guiding lights to figure out what went wrong, in fact we will get lost if we are surrounded by too many of them,  they point in too many different directions. These guiding lights are simply to show us possibilities, which we can consider… and once we have chosen something to be our truth, we close the truth, accept defeat, support and embrace the current leadership, then we turn the light off, and we get in touch with our own inner guidance.

One simple concept can drastically change our life. It can be, “Love yourself”, it can be, “Be all that you can be”, or “Fear is an illusion”… But none of these make real sense, no concept will truly transform our lives, if it’s not integrated in every cell of our body, if it doesn’t feel as tangible as if it came from us in the first place. We keep reading and listening to “teachers”, and “experts”; but who’s the best expert, when it comes to you as self-growth sabotage or a political bed-bug?

I believe nothing in self-growth has to be hard and complex. You can sit in silence, you can look inside yourself with wide open eyes, and you will “see”, or feel, the precise wisdom you need at that exact moment. It’s not always exactly what we want to hear – in fact, often it’s not, so we refuse to accept it – but sometimes that’s what self-growth is about, that’s what we really need to bring ourselves to the next level of accepting defeat. That being said, it’s easier sometimes to face another person, than it is to truly face and accept ourselves. And let’s acknowledge the fact that we often prefer complicated answers, and techniques.

“Self-sabotage” or “Political Termite” are strong words. What I tried to convey here is with the provoking title and at some point, the energy we dedicate with these dedicated and die-hard political pundits to self-growth resources, maybe better serve us (in terms of self-growth) if we invest it elsewhere in derailing the progress of the political party which you ironically claimed you loved, you have become a “Political Termite” in our mist.  We sometimes have in basic down-to-earth action to do, in meditations on how to lead or maybe in fun things. Sometimes we have an endless to-do list that causes us major stress, and instead of simply doing what must be do; we end up being political termites and sabotage.

Believe me, life is too short. Sometimes we look very grumpy, cranky and bad-tempered but a little gloomy. All you just need in your pathetic life was to come down to the brotherly city which was full of love, compassion, caring and loosen up, laugh, and have fun.   We came in hundreds to attend the inauguration on an occasion that will provide us a strong political message for our political opponents (SLPP), and they too attended.

Finally, I guess my point is: “self-growth can be everything, you can have access within yourself, be political bed-bud at night, a termite during the day, tap into the peoples wisdom, and then try to be magnificent hypocrite political supporter beyond what you and others can imagine. Come clean, support clean and have love for the political party you support for 2012.

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