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Le428m Missing Kailahun District Council In Hot Water

Le428m Missing Kailahun District Council In Hot Water

The Parliamentary oversight committee on Local Government and Rural Development has on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th June, 2017 during their routine inspection of district and city councils revealed that the Kailahun district council was unable to account for the sum of 428 million Leones as part of funds allocated to them by the central government and donor partners for the development of their municipality.

The discrepancy was brought to the fore after thorough probing into financial allocation documents during which Hon. Foday Rado Yokie, an Economist and veteran legislator calculated the allocation and expenditure making the difference of four hundred and twenty million Leones (Le 428,000,000) alleged to have been missing.

The Chief Administrator, (C.A) Lahai John Swarray however swears under oath that they had spent all that was allocated to them by the government and donor partners in the right way and therefore there was no way the said money could have been missing.

The committee therefore demands thorough explanation of the alleged missing funds from the council or otherwise, appropriate action will be taken against them.

By Mariama Kanneh

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