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Presidential Nominee Embarrassed

Presidential Nominee Embarrassed

The Parliamentary Committee on Appointment and the Public Service yesterday interviewed seven presidential nominees at Committee Room Number 1, Parliament Building at Tower Hill, Freetown.

The seven presidential nominees were the

  • proposed Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Defense, Captain (Rtd.) Abdurrahman Kamara,
  • proposed Deputy Minister of Education Science and Technology (MEST), Madam Christiana Thorpe,
  • proposed Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs, Dr. Silvia  Olayinka Blyden,
  • proposed Judge of the Appeals Court, Monfred Momoh Sesay Esq., Judge of the appeal court of Sierra Leone,
  • proposed Minister of Information and Communications, Mohamed Bangura,
  • proposed Minister of Political and Public Affairs, Madam Nanette Thomas,
  • proposed Minister of Youth Affairs, Bai Mamoud Bangura, and
  • proposed Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Sidi Yaya Tunis.

All nominees were thoroughly grilled by members of the parliamentary committee but what was more spectacular was when the academic qualifications of Captain (Rtd.) Abdurrahman Kamara were questioned.

According to one of the committee members, Hon. Dr. Bernadette Lahai, after she had gone through the resume of Capt. (Rtd.) Abdulrahman Kamara, she discovered that the nominee indicated a Master’s Degree in his CV but failed to present the certificate to the committee.

The MP argued that the nominee did not have the academic qualification he indicated in his CV, but he responded that he completed the Master’s Degree in International Relations but the certificate was not released when he failed to pay his complete tuition fee since 1986.

The committee however unanimously agreed that since Capt. (Rtd.) Abdulrahman Kamara failed to tender any certificate to prove that he has a Master’s Degree in International Relations, he does not deserve having it.

He was later asked out of the committee room to allow other nominees to be vetted by the committee.

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