Talking Politics – The Wind of Change
In Sierra Leone, the wind of change is, indeed, blowing hard; it is a political wind against which only the strong can stand safely. The force of the wind is both centrifugal and centripetal, meaning that depending on your political frame of mind, you could find yourself landed either centrally or extraneously on any of the political landscapes.
After all, politics is defined as the art of using power over fellow men. Like any other art, it involves the use of tact, common sense and persuasion on the one hand and force on the other; whichever option is used, talent and the use of it is crucial.
To say the least, there is one strong man in the political arena of Sierra Leone who has been able to wittily challenge the tempestuous wind of change in the political game in the country and that man is no other than the present appointed Vice-President of Sierra Leone, Victor Bockarie Foh. His rise to power may not be enviable but not meteoric either. The man deserves what he has been given though the ramifications may be subject to interpretations and views.
By Foh’s political reward, other Sierra Leone politicians should learn two things as guiding principles in their political careers, patience and steadfastness. Political inconsistency is in every sense a negation to the principles of party politics which encourages members of parties to stay put irrespective of the circumstances they face. The days of the notoriously brutal AFRC Junta and, at that time, what the then “High-Barb”, now Vice-President Foh stood for are still too fresh in the minds of many Sierra Leoneans.
The political wind that is blowing is poised to bring about change or is it to say it has just started blowing with a stronger velocity to follow? Here are some street comments in respect of this wind of change blowing:
“President Koroma is very clever oh; he has brought in one strong Mende man that may help to ground their thirst for power.”
“Nonsense!! Do you think these people are fools? They know that when it becomes necessary, he will dump him like he did to others.
“Not necessarily because Foh is a more seasoned politician, let us wait and see.”
Such conversations in taxis and street corners vividly manifest the level of political consciousness the populace has developed over the years, making it imperative for those in power to be prudent as the least guy out there is watching the steps they take.
The velocity of the political wind does not imply that all and sundry should go by or follow it. The decision is personal and depends on the gravitational strength of the individual either to remain rightist, centrist or leftist.
The fact remains the wind has begun blowing harder and will continue to blow until strong-rooted political trees emerge in the country’s political garden.
Politics is a game that some may win and others lose. But every game has rules that must be obeyed if one is to win. Obeying rules is in the natural order of things.
By Jo-Nyangu 025-255-872
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