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HomeCommentaryGoing through biting hardship

Going through biting hardship

Going through biting hardship

Sierra Leone is credited nationally and internationally for its vast wealth in precious minerals, diamonds, gold, bauxite, iron ore and many others. But with all her precious minerals, the country is rated as being one of the poorest on planet Earth.

Nowadays, there is so much hardship in the country that many people have become frustrated to the point of madness. Money is hard to come by though the few favored ones keep luxuriating in splendid mansions and highly expensive cars. While the masses keep languishing, the few fortunate ones continue to bathe in money, often acquired from state coffers through corrupt means.


Many Sierra Leoneans today cannot afford more than one meal per day and many sleep in the market stalls and on the streets where they are at the mercy of the biting cold at night.

Street beggars have multiplied dramatically and many of them are abandoned kids.

The corresponding effect of the biting hardship is a high rate of armed robbery, prostitution, forgery, fraud and many other crimes.

Many of our unemployed youths engage in criminal activities to survive the system and in the process, many of them have ended up behind bars.

As money becomes scarce in the country, prices of essential commodities continue to skyrocket.

When you walk along the streets, you see people with misery boldly written all over their faces. May God touch the hearts of our leaders.

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