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MOHS highlights Ebola challenges

MOHS highlights Ebola challenges

The Public Relations Expert in the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS), Jonathan Abass Kamara, has said that negative traditional beliefs and wrong political perceptions are hampering the collective effort of the ministry and its partners in combating the deadly Ebola disease plaguing this nation.

He was addressing a galaxy of journalists yesterday at the Gender Empowerment Centre at John Street in Freetown during a day-long training session on Ebola.

Mr. Kamara stated that one of their major challenges in their anti-Ebola campaign is the political misconception that since the disease entered this country via the opposition SLPP stronghold districts of Kailahun and Kenema, the disease has been politically invented to depopulate the two districts ahead of the 2014 census and in preparation for the 2018 elections.

Another major challenge is the misperception that the Health Ministry has been intentionally injecting Ebola into children with the pretext of immunizing them, doing so to have quick access to donor funding. This misperception, he went on, originated from the fact that the outbreak of the disease coincided with the “Mammy and Kombra” week when the ministry was administering vitamin A immunization to children.

Another main challenge he highlighted is the harboring of suspected Ebola patients and taking them to traditional healers, quack doctors and unapproved health facilities.

In his key note address, the President of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists, Kelvin Lewis, recalled that at the initial stage of the Ebola outbreak, media houses which reported it were mocked but that today, the same people who were ridiculing the media houses are desperately calling on them to help combat the disease. He urged his colleague journalists to pick up their pens and microphones to fight Ebola out of Sierra Leone.

The Disease Expert in the MOHS, Mr. Harold Thomas, said the ministry is closely monitoring 37 of the most dangerous diseases in the world though only Lassa Fever, Yellow Fever and Ebola are present in Sierra Leone. He warned people to refrain from touching dead bodies, sick people and the body fluids of Ebola-infected persons.

Statements were made by the WHO and UNICEF representatives but all stressed on restoring and maintaining trust in medical practitioners. They concluded by warning that Ebola is highly fatal but advised that the earlier you visit the hospital, the more chances of survival.

Tamba M. Musa

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