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HomeFeaturedHon. Faley on Ebola Sensitization in the east

Hon. Faley on Ebola Sensitization in the east

Hon. Faley on Ebola Sensitization in the east

Robin Faley, (in photo) former SLPP Member of Parliament (MP) for Constituency 007, Kailahun District and now the All Peoples Congress (APC) party National Publicity II, past week embarked on an Ebola sensitization drive in the Eastern Region covering various communities.

During the campaign on radio, he educated residents particularly those in Kailahun and Kenema Districts on the recent outbreak of Ebola in that part of the country. He used his knowledge and experience on the promotion of health to educate them on key issues related to the deadly disease including the signs, symptoms, how it spreads, prevention and what should be done in suspected cases of the disease.

The APC National Publicity Secretary further admonished residents to be extremely vigilant in reporting suspected cases of Ebola to the nearest health facility, assured that the disease would be contained if all adhere to the preventive measures and highlighted the role of Government in putting modalities in place since the outbreak of the disease in neighboring Guinea as well as strengthening various health service providers to contain its spread.

He further appealed to patriotic Sierra Leoneans, particularly opinion and community leaders, to fully participate in ensuring that even the least remote community is aware about the disease through sensitization underscoring that Ebola has now become a national concern that should not be politicized.

Robin Faley also encouraged residents not to panic as Government is fully committed to handle the disease and urged media practitioners to be more professional in reporting on Ebola to prevent unnecessary fear and panic, guaranteed that people are safe to travel to Kailahun and Kenema Districts and lauded Government and the Ministry of Health and Sanitation for their exceptional and proactive role to respond to the outbreak.

He went on to appeal to Members of Parliament from the regions to visit and sensitize their constituents about the disease and acclaimed Government for providing the required funds to MPs in the affected areas to ensure effective sensitization.

Most residents in the region commended Robin Faley for the laudable venture of sensitizing them about the Ebola outbreak that has helped to reduce panic among them.

The Town Chief of Segbwema in the Kailahun District, Senessie Bibo acclaimed Robin Faley for the sensitization and described him as a unique leader who loves and cares for his people.

By Abdul R. Bedor

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