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APC’s future is in the hands of President Koroma

APC’s future is in the hands of President Koroma

The political wrangling pervading the corridors of the ruling All Peoples Congress (APC) for the successor of president Koroma is the latest development within the public domain of Sierra Leone as the general opinion is that as far as the next leadership of the ruling government is concerned, APC needs President Ernest Bai Koroma (in photo) more than during the 2007 and 2012 general elections. It is estimated that in the coming 2018 election, president Koroma has ninety percent role to play for the APC to survive as it was based largely on his shiny personality that the APC won the presidential race in 2007 and 2012.

The reason why the party needs the president is the fact that his success story goes beyond borders and the APC.

It is also an established fact that the people voted for President Koroma because of the love they have for him and the development he put on their door step.

Above all, Sierra Leoneans prefer President Koroma for the international recognition he has gained, which no Sierra Leonean head of state has ever scored such high marks: the reason why about sixty percent of the people voted for him in 2012.

At this stage, nobody can deny the fact that, as far as the people are concerned, the future of the APC lies on the shoulders of President Koroma.

This means that any successor of the APC the president gives his blessing to; to step into his shoes would also be supported by majority of the people.

Thus it is a foregone conclusion that APC should not make mistake about ignoring President Koroma’s role to support a potential presidential candidate for the APC in another crucial general election in 2018.

President Koroma draws political inspiration as the most popular leader the people have ever had. Nobody has ever pointed an accusing finger at the president since he became president. It is against such speculation that the best way for the APC to succeed in making an impact in the 2018 election is to choose a credible flagbearer having the tacit traits of a leader like President Koroma: that followers of the party as well as the executive ostensibly need the support and advice of the current leader and chairman more than ever before to lead the way in looking out for an untainted leader who would throw his weight behind the APC when President Koroma splits the political scene.

In a nutshell, whoever the president chooses to lead the APC, that person would no doubt endear himself to the dictates of the party, commanding respect and confidence of party faithful as well as the rank and file of the APC and above all the people of Sierra Leone.

It is an undeniable fact that the people have never had the likes of President Koroma in the annals of this country’s politics based on his success story: his success story will never escape the minds of Sierra Leoneans for a long time to come, considering the great impact President Koroma has made in international political circles.

The United Nations was proud to help set up the Special Court for Sierra Leone making it the first country in Africa to establish, with UN participation, a tribunal on its own territory to address the most serious international crimes.

The end result puts the President in the political limelight both in national and international politics: that also makes the President a political leader that the APC needs more than ever before as the party looks forward to electing another political head in place of President Koroma.

Make no mistake APC, the people of Sierra Leone have great admiration for President Koroma and are determined to listen to and follow him in whatever he say or does.

A word for the wise is quite sufficient. APC take it or leave it.

President Koroma is one of the Best among the Rest in Africa.

Abdulai Bangura

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  • With all these qualites. I nominate President Ernast Koroma to remain in power for Life & continue the excellent jod no president has ever done in the history of Sierra Leone!

    12th March 2014

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