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HomeFeaturedSierra Leone’s First Lady Sia Nyama Koroma in Grafton today

Sierra Leone’s First Lady Sia Nyama Koroma in Grafton today

Sierra Leone’s First Lady Sia Nyama Koroma in Grafton today

The Network of HIV Positives, (NETHIPS-SL), is today laying the foundation for the construction of a massive multi-purpose vocational and skills training complex in Grafton to be named after Her Excellency, the First Lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone Sia Nyama Koroma in recognition of her remarkable role in promoting the Health Sector including HIV/AIDS.

According to the Executive Director of NETHIPS-SL, Idrissa Songo, the construction of the Sia Nyama Koroma Vocational Skills Training Center and multi-purpose complex at Grafton, along the Grafton-Regent Road, is aimed at sustaining the activities of People Living With HIV/AIDS. He disclosed that the Government of Japan, through the GGHSP Project from the Japanese Embassy in Ghana, Provided the funds for the construction of the complex. “As a way of showing our profound appreciation for the benevolent gesture of the Japanese Government, we have invited the Honorary Consul for Japan in Sierra Leone to make a statement at the important ceremony,” Idrissa Songo said.

The Executive Director informed that Her Excellency the First Lady of Sierra Leone will grace the foundation laying ceremony during which she will launch the NETHIPS Building Trust Fund to raise funds for the construction of the building.

Idrissa Songo informed that the multi-purpose structure will house administrative offices, a hospital, daycare centre for working mothers in the Grafton Community and its environ, resource and education centre, conference hall and facilities to be rented out to the public for the purpose of moving towards sustainability of HIV/AIDS programmes.

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