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HomeFeaturedProfessor Parrot – Ten Reasons Subsidies Over-delay

Professor Parrot – Ten Reasons Subsidies Over-delay

Professor Parrot – Ten Reasons Subsidies Over-delay

Professor Parrot has a Masters Degree in Subsidy Science and has conducted an extensive research on the mathematics of subsidization. It pleases the great bird to publish his findings for the benefit of all head teachers in this republic.

The Ten Reasons

  1. Papa Minkhailu is very much aware that most unscrupulous and unpatriotic head teachers have been converting subsidies to “chopsidies.” Therefore, it is not necessary to pay the subsidies on time.
  2. Head teachers are a greedy bunch of people, so, they do not deserve prompt payment of subsidies.
  3. The mathematics of subsidization is a very complex subject. Papa Minkhailu needs much time to study it thoroughly before paying the subsidies.
  4. Papa Minkhailu needs much time to weed out all the numerous ghost primary schools before paying the subsidies.
  5. Papa Minkhailu knows very well that many schools have inflated rolls manufactured by criminally-minded head teachers. The rolls must be deflated before subsidies are paid.
  6. Papa Minkhailu strongly believes that prompt payment of subsidies bears the potential to jeopardize schools.
  7. Papa Minkhailu has observed that the subsidies are not reflecting on the schools; the more he disburses the subsidies, the more deplorable the schools become.
  8. Papa Minkhailu is not comfortable with the over-subsidization and under-subsidization of certain schools. He must be given ample time to regularize the irregularity.
  9. Papa Minkhailu is fed up with the hundreds of ghost teachers that keep occupying the vouchers illegitimately.
  10. Primary education is not very important, so, why worry to pay subsidies?

With Joseph Milton Lebbie

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