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Operation WID Goes Violent… Lebanese slaps police

Operation WID Goes Violent… Lebanese slaps police

The ongoing Operation Waste Disposal and Management, Improved Road Safety and Decongestion of City Streets (Operation WID) is reported to have reached a very violent dimension as a Lebanese business magnate publicly slapped a police officer.

Eyewitness account reveals that on Wednesday this week a team of metropolitan police officers of the Freetown City Council raided Siaka Stevens Street from where they cleared street traders and deposited them right in front of Lebanese shops along Rawdon Street. This act is said to have angered one of the Lebanese men, Hedjazi of 34 Rawdon Street.

The aggrieved Hedjazi is reported to have complained that the deposited traders were obstructing the view of his shop and demanded their immediate removal, a demand which triggered a heated argument between Hedjazi and the police and in the process, Hedjazi lost control of his temper and gave a very hot slap to one of the police officers, Inspector Abu Bakarr Kamara. Hedjazi and some of his cohorts are reported to be now helping the police with their investigation.

By Raymond Bai Kamara

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  • Anyone who assaults a police officer should be arrested on the spot and charged.

    But such is the disregard that many people have for government officials that a civilian can actually slap a police officer and not arrested but is ‘helping police with their investigation’.

    Hedjazi will never dream of doing this sort of thing in Syria or Lebanon because the police there will make sure he never walks again after they would have broken all his bones.

    But of course the police do frequent the shops owned by the Lebanese, Syrians and Indians to get freebies so they would just be seen as ineffective, corrupt and useless.

    If the police who are supposed to uphold the law are seen as incompetent how anything else can in the country operate as normal?

    13th January 2013

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